| クラス | 解説 |
| Bitmap | Represents the gid bitmap. |
| BoxGradientBrush | Represents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape. |
| Brush | Represents the base class of all kinds of brush |
| Brushes | Brushes for all the standard colors. |
| ColorBrush | Defines a brush that has a solid color. |
| ColorPen | Defines a brush that has a solid color. |
| Coordinate | Defines a class the represents the coordinate concept in mathematics. |
| DashPen | Reprents the custom pen that has the styles defined by user. |
| Font | Represents a GDI font object. |
| FontBuilder | Represents a class that is used to builder some complex fonts. |
| FontWeight | Represents the weight values of logical font. |
| GdiObject | Represents the common base of the gid objects. |
| GradientBrush | Represents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape. |
| Graphics | Represents the gdi graphics object that handles the gdi device context. |
| HatchBrush | Represents the brush which draw with HatchStyle |
| HollowBrush | Represents the brush which draw nothing |
| HollowPen | Reprents the hollow pen that would draw nothing. |
| LinearBoxGradientBrush | Represents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape. |
| LinearGradientBrush | Represents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape. |
| PatternBrush | Defines a brush with a pattern. |
| PatternPen | Reprents the custom pen that has custom style which is defined by a pattern. |
| Pen | Represents the base class of all kinds of pen |
| Pens | Pens for all the standard colors. |
| RawGdiObject | Represents a wrapper of the gid object handle. |
| Region | Represent the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles. |
| RegionData | A data package save the data of a Region object. |
| SolidBrush | Represents the brush which always solid draw |
| SolidPen | Represents the pen which always draw with solid line. |
| StringFormat | Encapsulates text layout information (such as alignment and line spacing), display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features. |
| SystemBrushes | Each property of the SystemBrushes class is a ColorBrush object that is the color of a Windows display element. |
| SystemPens | Each property of the SystemPens class is a ColorPen object that is the color of a Windows display element and that is a width of 1. |
| TextureBrush | Represent a texture brush be used to fill with texture |
| TransformMatrix | The TransformMatrix class contains the transform info for transforming between world-space and page-space in GDI. |
| TriangleBoxGradientBrush | Represents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape. |