MultiSelect for WinForms
C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi 名前空間
C1.Win.Input.6 アセンブリ : C1.Framework.Drawing.Gdi 名前空間
クラスRepresents the gid bitmap.
クラスRepresents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape.
クラスRepresents the base class of all kinds of brush
クラスBrushes for all the standard colors.
クラスDefines a brush that has a solid color.
クラスDefines a brush that has a solid color.
クラスDefines a class the represents the coordinate concept in mathematics.
クラスReprents the custom pen that has the styles defined by user.
クラスRepresents a GDI font object.
クラスRepresents a class that is used to builder some complex fonts.
クラスRepresents the weight values of logical font.
クラスRepresents the common base of the gid objects.
クラスRepresents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape.
クラスRepresents the gdi graphics object that handles the gdi device context.
クラスRepresents the brush which draw with HatchStyle
クラスRepresents the brush which draw nothing
クラスReprents the hollow pen that would draw nothing.
クラスRepresents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape.
クラスRepresents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape.
クラスDefines a brush with a pattern.
クラスReprents the custom pen that has custom style which is defined by a pattern.
クラスRepresents the base class of all kinds of pen
クラスPens for all the standard colors.
クラスRepresents a wrapper of the gid object handle.
クラスRepresent the interior of a graphics shape composed of rectangles.
クラスA data package save the data of a Region object.
クラスRepresents the brush which always solid draw
クラスRepresents the pen which always draw with solid line.
クラスEncapsulates text layout information (such as alignment and line spacing), display manipulations (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features.
クラスEach property of the SystemBrushes class is a ColorBrush object that is the color of a Windows display element.
クラスEach property of the SystemPens class is a ColorPen object that is the color of a Windows display element and that is a width of 1.
クラスRepresent a texture brush be used to fill with texture
クラスThe TransformMatrix class contains the transform info for transforming between world-space and page-space in GDI.
クラスRepresents the brush to be used to fill the gradient shape.
構造体Represents the basic information about a physical font.
列挙体Represents the bits-per-pixel of the bitmap.
列挙体Represents the dash style of the pen.
列挙体Represents the line style of the standard pen.
列挙体Represents the clip precision of font.
列挙体Represents the family of logical font
列挙体Represents the out precision of logical font.
列挙体Represents the pitch of font.
列挙体Represents the quality of font.
列挙体An System.Enum represents the gradient direction.
列挙体Specifies the unit of measure for the given data.
列挙体Represents the hatch style of the HatchBrush.
列挙体Specifies the type of display for hot-key prefixes that relate to text.
列挙体Represents the join style of the pen.
列挙体Specifies the alignment of a text string relative to its layout rectangle.
列挙体Specifies the display and layout information for text strings.
列挙体Specifies how to trim characters from a string that does not completely fit into a layout shape.
列挙体Specifies the unit of the tab stops or offset.
列挙体Specifies the order for matrix transform operations.

C1.Win.Input.6 アセンブリ