PrintDocument for WinForms
PdfDocumentInfo クラス メンバ

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Pdf 名前空間 : PdfDocumentInfo クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets the name of the person that created the document.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the creation date and time of the document.

The default value for this property is DateTime.MinValue, which causes the current date/time to be used when the document is saved.

Public プロパティGets or sets the name of the application that created the original document.  
Public プロパティGets or sets keywords (separated by comma) associated with the document.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the name of the application that created the document.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the subject of the document.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the title of the document.  

PdfDocumentInfo クラス
C1.C1Pdf 名前空間