PrintDocument for WinForms
ToPageSettings メソッド (C1PageSettings)

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview 名前空間 > C1PageSettings クラス : ToPageSettings メソッド
Creates an instance of the System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings class, and initializes it with the properties of the current C1PageSettings object.
Creates an instance of the System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings class, and initializes it with the properties of the current C1PageSettings object.  
Creates an instance of the System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings class, and initializes it with the properties of the current C1PageSettings object.  
Creates an instance of the System.Drawing.Printing.PageSettings class, and initializes it with the properties of the current C1PageSettings object.  

C1PageSettings クラス
C1PageSettings メンバ