PrintDocument for WinForms
EmbeddedFont クラス プロパティ

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview 名前空間 : EmbeddedFont クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the current embedded font is bold.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the license for the current font allows embedding.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the license for the current font allows subsetting when embedded.  
Public プロパティGets the charset of the current embedded font.  
Public プロパティGets a EmbeddedFont.CodeRanges collection defining set of char codes supported by this EmbeddedFont object. If this collection is empty then glyphs for characters will be embedded.  
Public プロパティGets an array of bytes containing the embedded font's data. This property can be null if the font was created during document generation, i.e. if the current object represents a font that was not loaded and currently exists in the system.  
Public プロパティGets the name of the current embedded font.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the current object has produced the System.Drawing.FontFamily object.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the current embedded font is italic.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the license for the current font requires obfuscating when embedded.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the license for the current font restricts embedding to print and preview uses.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the current embedded should be obfuscated when embedded.  
Public プロパティGets a style of current embedded font.  

EmbeddedFont クラス
C1.C1Preview 名前空間