PrintDocument for WinForms
Exporter クラス メソッド

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview.Export 名前空間 : Exporter クラス


パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドオーバーロードされます。 Exports the object specified by the Exporter.Document property on the current exporter to the specified file.  
Public メソッドDisplays a dialog that allows the user to edit the export options.  
プロテクト メソッド
Protected メソッドTests whether Exporter.OutputFileName can be previewed. This (base) implementation uses FindExecutable API to find an appropriate executable, and returns a value indicating whether it has been found or not.

If you override this, you must also override Exporter.PreviewOutputFile.

Protected メソッドResets the internal state of the exporter and all its public properties.  
Protected メソッドIndicates whether page metafiles of types System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual and System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusOnly should be converted to System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly type before exporting. The base implementation returns false.  
Protected メソッドCopies the options from the specified export options form to corresponding properties on the current exporter. Can be overridden in a derived class to handle format-specific options.  
Protected メソッドCopies the properties of the current exporter to corresponding user-editable options of the specified export options form. Can be overridden in a derived class to handle format-specific options.  
Protected メソッドMakes sure the Exporter.Document has been generated if it is an instance of the C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument class.  
Protected メソッドProcesses (exports) all pages in the range to be exported.  
Protected メソッドGets the file name (with path) for the file containing the specified page. Used only for export formats that save a page per file (e.g. TIFF).  
Protected メソッドPerforms export to a disk file or to a stream. The destination (file or stream) is determined by which of the properties (Exporter.OutputFileName or Exporter.OutputStream) is non-null when this method executes.  
Protected メソッドCalled after the Exporter.Document property has been changed. If you override this, make sure this base method also gets called.  
Protected メソッド  
Protected メソッドPreviews Exporter.OutputFileName. This (base) implementation uses System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() to open the output file.

Override this if you override Exporter.CanPreviewOutputFile.

Protected メソッドExports a page of a document represented by a System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile.  
Protected メソッドResets the internal state of the exporter.  

Exporter クラス
C1.C1Preview.Export 名前空間