PrintDocument for WinForms
HtmlExporter クラス メンバ
フィールド  プロパティ  メソッド  イベント

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview.Export 名前空間 : HtmlExporter クラス


パブリック コンストラクタ
Public コンストラクタInitializes a new instance of the HtmlExporter class.  
プロテクト フィールド
Protected フィールド C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets the object representing the document that will be exported by the current exporter's Exporter.Export or Exporter.Export methods. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the Exporter.DocumentInfo object associated with the Exporter.Document assigned to the current exporter. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the type of form that is used to edit the fields of Exporter.DocumentInfo class. That form can be invoked from the export options form (Exporter.OptionsFormClass). The form's type must be assignable to C1.C1Preview.Forms.DocumentInfoForm. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets a template used to create a navigation bar with page numbers. (Note: both Paginated and HtmlExporter.GeneratePageLinks must be set to true for this to work).

The format of the string is as follows: up to four "%s" strings are replaced with links to the first, previous, next and last pages, correspondingly. Up to two "%d" strings are replaced with the current and total page numbers.

For instance:

"<a %s>first</a> <a %s>prev</a> Page %d of %d <a %s>next</a> <a %s>last</a>"

Public プロパティオーバーライドされます。 Gets ExportProviders.HtmlExportProvider.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether the exported document should exactly match the appearance of the original document. Usually this can only be achieved at the cost of preserving the logical structure and/or ease of editing of the exported document. C1.C1Preview.Export.ComplexExporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether to create a frame containing the document's outline.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether to generate hyperlinks to individual pages. Note that this only works if Paginated is also true.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether to delimit individual pages of the original document with horizontal lines.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the path name of the folder where images are to be saved.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the location of hyperlinks on the generated page(s) (the hyperlinks can contain outline entries or page numbers).  
Public プロパティGets or sets the maximum number of page hyperlinks in a row.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether the document should be saved in Office12 Open XML format. C1.C1Preview.Export.ComplexExporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the type of form that is used to edit export options. That form is shown when the Exporter.Export or the Exporter.Export method is called if Exporter.ShowOptions is true. The form's type must be assignable to the type specified by the ExportProvider.DefaultOptionsFormClass property. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the type name of form that is used to edit export options. That form is shown when the Exporter.Export or the Exporter.Export method is called if Exporter.ShowOptions is true. The form's type must be assignable to the type specified by the ExportProvider.DefaultOptionsFormClass property. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets the list of files which were generated by the call to Exporter.Export. Typically exporters produce a single file (e.g. RtfExporter, XlsExporter), but some (like HtmlExporter and EmfExporter) may produce several files all of which can be then accessed through this property. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether to export each page of the document into a separate file.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether the exported document should preserve the pagination of the original document. C1.C1Preview.Export.ComplexExporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether export should try to preserve the exact original height of all elements. Generally, setting this property to false makes the resulting HTML document more flexible.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether the exported document should be opened after exporting it to a disk file (using the Exporter.Export method). The application used to open the file is determined by the OS shell. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the range of pages that is to be exported. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the type of form that is used to enter the export output range. That form can be invoked from the export options form (Exporter.OptionsFormClass). The form's type must be assignable to C1.C1Preview.Forms.OutputRangeForm. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティSpecifies the System.Drawing.Graphics object used by export. For example, that System.Drawing.Graphics can be used to convert System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual or System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusOnly metafiles to System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly. If this property is null, the screen device context is used. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the scaling factor applied to all elements of the resulting HTML document, in percent.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether the options dialog should be shown to the user before exporting the document. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
プロテクト プロパティ
Protected プロパティGets the output file name. This property is set when the Exporter.Export method is called. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected プロパティGets the output stream. This property is set when the Exporter.Export method is called. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドオーバーロードされます。 Exports the object specified by the Exporter.Document property on the current exporter to the specified file. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Public メソッドDisplays a dialog that allows the user to edit the export options. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
プロテクト メソッド
Protected メソッドTests whether Exporter.OutputFileName can be previewed. This (base) implementation uses FindExecutable API to find an appropriate executable, and returns a value indicating whether it has been found or not.

If you override this, you must also override Exporter.PreviewOutputFile.

Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Resets the internal state of the exporter and all its public properties.  
Protected メソッドIndicates whether page metafiles of types System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusDual and System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfPlusOnly should be converted to System.Drawing.Imaging.EmfType.EmfOnly type before exporting. The base implementation returns false. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Copies the options from the specified export options form to corresponding properties on the current exporter.  
Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Copies the properties of the current exporter to corresponding user-editable options of the specified export options form.  
Protected メソッドMakes sure the Exporter.Document has been generated if it is an instance of the C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument class. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッドProcesses (exports) all pages in the range to be exported. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッドGets the file name (with path) for the file containing the specified page. Used only for export formats that save a page per file (e.g. TIFF). C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Performs export to a disk file. If Exporter.OutputFileName has not been set, this method returns immediately.  
Protected メソッドCalled after the Exporter.Document property has been changed. If you override this, make sure this base method also gets called. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッド C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。
Protected メソッドPreviews Exporter.OutputFileName. This (base) implementation uses System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() to open the output file.

Override this if you override Exporter.CanPreviewOutputFile.

Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Not supported for this class.  
Protected メソッドオーバーライドされます。 Resets the internal state of the exporter.  
パブリック イベント
Public イベントOccurs periodically during export. Allows to show progress and give the end user the ability to cancel the operation. C1.C1Preview.Export.Exporterから継承されます。

HtmlExporter クラス
C1.C1Preview.Export 名前空間
HtmlExportProvider クラス