PrintDocument for WinForms
XpsC1Doc クラス プロパティ

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview.Export.Xps 名前空間 : XpsC1Doc クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets the source C1.C1Preview.C1PrintDocument.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the delegate that will be called periodically while the document generates.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the sender argument for the long operation event. If not set, the current object is used.  
Public プロパティGets the XpsC1Doc.XpsDocument representing the source document. Note that the document is committed when this property is first accessed, and cannot be changed afterwards.  
Public プロパティGets the resolution used for pages' content. In the current version, this is determined by the CreationDpi of the source C1PrintDocument.  

XpsC1Doc クラス
C1.C1Preview.Export.Xps 名前空間