PrintDocument for WinForms
BestFit プロパティ (ImageAlign)

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview 名前空間 > ImageAlign 構造体 : BestFit プロパティ
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an image should be resized to best fit within its container. See remarks for details.
Public Property BestFit As System.Boolean
Dim instance As ImageAlign
Dim value As System.Boolean
instance.BestFit = value
value = instance.BestFit
public System.bool BestFit {get; set;}

Getting this property returns a Boolean conjunction (AND) of the ImageAlign.StretchHorz, ImageAlign.StretchVert and ImageAlign.KeepAspectRatio values.

Setting this property to a true value sets ImageAlign.StretchHorz, ImageAlign.StretchVert and ImageAlign.KeepAspectRatio to true.

Setting this property to a false value sets ImageAlign.KeepAspectRatio only to false.


ImageAlign 構造体
ImageAlign メンバ