PrintDocument for WinForms
LineDef クラス メソッド

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ > C1.C1Preview 名前空間 : LineDef クラス


パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドDetermines whether the specified LineDef object is equal to the current object. This method compares the property values on the objects.  
Public メソッドServes as a hash function for the LineDef type.  
Public メソッドTests whether the current and another LineDef objects define same line styles - i.e. whether the values of LineDef.Color, LineDef.BackColor, LineDef.DashStyle and LineDef.DashPattern properties are the same. Note that this method does NOT compare the lines' widths.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a LineDef object, and initialises it with values acquired by parsing a string representation of a LineDef.  
Public メソッドReturns a string that represents the current object.  

LineDef クラス
C1.C1Preview 名前空間