名前 | 解説 | |
Area | Gets the RenderArea contained in the current cell. | |
Bounds | Gets a System.Drawing.Rectangle describing the geometry of the current cell in the table.
The location of the returned rectangle defines the location (column and row) of the current cell, while its size defines the number of columns and rows spanned by the current cell. | |
CellStyle | Gets the Style that is used to render the content of the current cell. | |
Col | Gets the 0-based index in the table of the column containing the current cell. | |
HorzSplitBehavior | Gets or sets a value indicating how the content of the current cell is treated when the cell is split vertically between two horizontal (extension, created when the document is too wide) pages. (TableVector.CanSplit should be true for this to happen). | |
Image | Gets or sets the image contained in the current cell. | |
LastCol | Gets the index of the last column spanned by the current cell. If TableCell.SpanCols is 1, the value of this property is equal to TableCell.Col. | |
LastRow | Gets the index of the last row spanned by the current cell. If TableCell.SpanRows is 1, the value of this property is equal to TableCell.Row. | |
Owner | Gets the TableCellCollection containing the current cell. | |
RenderObject | Gets or sets the RenderObject contained in the current cell. | |
RepeatGridLinesHorz | Gets or sets a value indicating whether vertical gridlines should be drawn when the cell is split between two horizontal (extension, created when the document is too wide) pages. | |
RepeatGridLinesVert | Gets or sets a value indicating whether horizontal gridlines should be drawn when the cell is split between two vertical (regular) pages. | |
Row | Gets the 0-based index in the table of the row containing the current cell. | |
SpanCols | Gets or sets the number of columns spanned by the current cell. Cannot be less than 1, which is the default. | |
SpanRows | Gets or sets the number of rows spanned by the current cell. Cannot be less than 1, which is the default. | |
Style | Gets the Style of the current cell. | |
Table | Gets the RenderTable containing the current cell. | |
Tag | Gets or sets arbitrary data associated with the current cell. | |
Text | Gets or sets the text contained in the current cell. | |
VertSplitBehavior | Gets or sets a value indicating how the content of the current cell is treated when the cell is split horizontally between two vertical (regular) pages (TableVector.CanSplit should be true for this to happen). |