PrintDocument for WinForms
C1.Util 名前空間
C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ : C1.Util 名前空間
クラスRepresents range of character codes.
クラスRepresents collection of unique CodeRange objects. All CodeRange objects within collection not intersect and sorted by First field.
クラスThe font subset builder.
クラスUnique identifier of font in various font processing algorithms of C1Preview: - font substitution - font embedding
クラスClass for support character shaping (Arabic, Indic etc.).
クラスThe font object for build subsets.
クラスTTF files are stored in big-endian format, we need special readers and writers
クラスBig endian binary writer.
クラスThe parameters table for the Character Variant features.
クラスBase class for the Feature Parameters tables.
クラスProvides information about how to use the glyphs in a font to render a script or language.
クラスIdentifies the typographic feature in the OpenType font.
クラスContains information for vertical or horizontal text, and can contain kerning values or minimum values.
クラスDefine the glyphs in each ligature.
クラスThe parameters table for the Stylistic Set features.
クラスDefines any combination of X and Y values (in design units) to add to the placement and advance values provided in the font.
クラスContains index of the glyph and its mapping to the corresponding code point.
クラスRaw (binary font data or file path name) font subset.
構造体The glyph metrics for the font subset.
列挙体Identifies features providing information about how to use the glyphs in a font to render a script or language.
列挙体Identifies the language system supported in a OpenType font.
列挙体Script tags generally correspond to a Unicode script, the associations between them may not always be one-to-one.
列挙体Provides additional information on the glyph.

C1.PrintDocument.6 アセンブリ