PrintDocument for WinForms
C1PreviewActionEnum 列挙体

C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間 : C1PreviewActionEnum 列挙体
Defines the supported preview tool items.
Public Enum C1PreviewActionEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As C1PreviewActionEnum
public enum C1PreviewActionEnum : System.Enum 
CloseSearchHide search toolbar.
FileOpenFile open button.
FileSaveFile save button.
FindFind text button.
GoFirstGo to the first page button.
GoLastGo to the last page button.
GoNextGo to the next page button.
GoPageCountTotal page count label ("of {0}").
GoPageLabelPage label ("Page").
GoPageNumberPage number text box.
GoPrevGo to the previous page button.
HandToolHand tool.
HistoryNextHistory forward button.
HistoryPrevHistory backward button.
MatchCaseMatch case.
MatchWholeWordMatch whole word.
NoneNo tool.
PageContinuousContinuous page view button.
PageFacingFacing page view button.
PageFacingContinuousFacing continuous page view button.
PageSetupPage setup button.
PageSingleSingle page view button.
PrintDocument print button.
ReflowDocument reflow button.
SearchLabelFind label ("Find:").
SearchNextFind the next occurrence.
SearchPreviousFind the previous occurrence.
SearchTextText to be searched.
SelectTextToolText select tool.
StopStop long operation.
ZoomFactorZoom factor text box.
ZoomInZoom in button.
ZoomInToolZoom in tool.
ZoomOutZoom out button.
ZoomOutToolZoom out tool.



C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間