PrintDocument for WinForms
FileSave メソッド (C1PreviewFileActions)

C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間 > C1PreviewFileActions クラス : FileSave メソッド
Saves (exports) the current document in the specified file. If fileName is empty or specifies a directory, the user can select a file name in a "save file" dialog. If specified, exportProvider determines the save/export format, otherwise the file extension is used.
Saves (exports) the current document in the specified file. If fileName is empty or specifies a directory, the user can select a file name in a "save file" dialog. If specified, exportProvider determines the save/export format, otherwise the file extension is used.  
Saves (exports) the current document in the specified file. If fileName is empty or specifies a directory, the user can select a file name in a "save file" dialog. If specified, exportProvider determines the save/export format, otherwise the file extension is used.  
Saves (exports) the current document in the specified file. The user can select a file name in a "save file" dialog. The save/export format is determined by the file extension.  

C1PreviewFileActions クラス
C1PreviewFileActions メンバ