PrintDocument for WinForms
FileOpen メソッド (C1PreviewPane)

C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間 > C1PreviewPane クラス : FileOpen メソッド
Shows a file open dialog, allows the user to select a C1DX or C1D file, and loads the selected file into the current preview pane. If an exception occurs while loading the file, an error message is displayed, and the method returns false.
Shows a file open dialog, allows the user to select a C1DX or C1D file, and loads the selected file into the current preview pane. If an exception occurs while loading the file, an error message is displayed, and the method returns false.  
Loads the specified file (which must be a valid C1DX, C1D or C1MDX document) into the current preview pane.

If fileName does not exist or is a directory, shows the file open dialog and allows the user to select a file to load. In that case fileName specifies the initial directory for the dialog.


C1PreviewPane クラス
C1PreviewPane メンバ