PrintDocument for WinForms
ShowPrintProgressDialog プロパティ (C1PreviewPane)

C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間 > C1PreviewPane クラス : ShowPrintProgressDialog プロパティ
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show a cancellable print progress dialog while printing a document. If this property is false (which is the default), only a status progress bar shows print progress (and so printing cannot be cancelled).
Public Property ShowPrintProgressDialog As System.Boolean
Dim instance As C1PreviewPane
Dim value As System.Boolean
instance.ShowPrintProgressDialog = value
value = instance.ShowPrintProgressDialog
public System.bool ShowPrintProgressDialog {get; set;}

C1PreviewPane クラス
C1PreviewPane メンバ