PrintDocument for WinForms
HistorySavedActionsEnum 列挙体

C1.Win.PrintPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間 : HistorySavedActionsEnum 列挙体
Enumerates kinds of changes in the state of the preview control (property changes or user actions) that cause the previous state of the control to be saved in history.
Public Enum HistorySavedActionsEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As HistorySavedActionsEnum
public enum HistorySavedActionsEnum : System.Enum 
AllState before any of the supported changes occur is saved in history.
ColsState before the Cols property is changed is saved in history.
ContinuousState before the Continuous property is changed is saved in history.
DocumentActionState before any of the document-related changes occur is saved in history.
DocumentChangedActionState before any of the document-related changes (except the opening of a new document) occur is saved in history.
DocumentChangeMarginsState before margins on the current document are changed is saved in history.
DocumentChangePageSettingsState before page settings on the current document are changed is saved in history.
DocumentOpenState before a new document is opened is saved in history.
DocumentReflowState before reflow of the current document is saved in history.
HideMarginsStateState before the HideMarginsState property is changed is saved in history.
HyperlinkJumpState before the HyperlinkJump property is changed is saved in history.
LayoutState before any of the layout-related properties is changed is saved in history.
LocationState before any of the location-related properties is changed is saved in history.
NoneNo actions are saved in the history.
PageLayoutState before the PageLayout property is changed is saved in history.
PrinterSettingsState before the PrinterSettings property is changed is saved in history.
PrintingLayoutState before the PrintingLayout property is changed is saved in history.
RowsState before the Rows property is changed is saved in history.
ScrollState before the Scroll property is changed is saved in history.
ShowPrintableAreaState before the ShowPrintableArea property is changed is saved in history.
ShowRulersState before the ShowRulers property is changed is saved in history.
StartPageChangeState before the StartPageChange property is changed is saved in history.
TextSearchState before the TextSearch property is changed is saved in history.
ZoomState before any of the zoom-related properties is changed is saved in history.
ZoomFactorState before the ZoomFactor property is changed is saved in history.
ZoomModeState before the ZoomMode property is changed is saved in history.



C1.Win.C1Preview 名前空間