PrintDocument for WinForms
RibbonPreviewAction 列挙体

C1.Win.RibbonPreview.6 アセンブリ > C1.Win.RibbonPreview 名前空間 : RibbonPreviewAction 列挙体
Defines the supported preview actions.
Public Enum RibbonPreviewAction 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As RibbonPreviewAction
public enum RibbonPreviewAction : System.Enum 
CloseSearchHide search toolbar.
CopyTextCopy selected text.
DeselectAllDeselect all text.
ExpandRibbonRestore the Ribbon.
ExportExport button.
FileCloseClose the document.
FileOpenFile open button.
FirstPageGo to the first page button.
HandToolHand tool.
HistoryNextHistory forward split button.
HistoryPrevHistory backward split button.
LandscapeLandscape page orientation.
LastPageGo to the last page button.
MatchCaseMatch case.
MatchWholeWordMatch whole word.
MinimizeRibbonCollapse the Ribbon.
NextPageGo to the next page button.
NoneNo action.
OutlinePanelOutline panel.
PageCountLabelTotal page count label ("of {0}").
PageNumberBoxPage number label ("Page") and text box.
PageSetupPage setup button.
PageViewContinuousContinuous page view button.
PageViewSingleSingle page view button.
PageViewTwoUpTwo pages view button.
PageViewTwoUpContinuousContinuous two pages view button.
PageWidthZoom to page width.
PortraitPortrait page orientation.
PrevPageGo to the previous page button.
PrintDocument print button.
ProgressBarProgress bar in status.
ReflowReflow the document.
SearchBarSeparatorA separator displayed in Search Bar.
SearchNextFind the next occurrence.
SearchPrevFind the previous occurrence.
SearchTextShow search toolbar or panel.
SearchTextBoxFind label ("Find:") and text box.
SelectAllSelect all text.
SelectTextToolText select tool.
StatusLabelStatus label.
TextSearchPanelText Search panel.
ThumbnailPanelThumbnail panel.
WholePageZoom to whole page.
Zoom100Zoom 100%.
ZoomInZoom in button.
ZoomInToolZoom in tool button.
ZoomLevelZoom level dialog.
ZoomOutZoom out button.
ZoomOutToolZoom out button.
ZoomTrackZoom track bar.



C1.Win.RibbonPreview 名前空間