Ribbon for WinForms
GetBounds メソッド (HtmlElement)

C1.Win.4.8 アセンブリ > C1.Framework.Html 名前空間 > HtmlElement クラス : GetBounds メソッド
Gets the element's bounds (size and location) within an arbitrary ancestor, in pixels. Ancestor element (parent, grand-parent, etc). A System.Drawing.Rectangle that corresponds to the element's position within the given ancestor.
Gets the element's bounds (size and location) within an arbitrary ancestor, in pixels. Ancestor element (parent, grand-parent, etc). A System.Drawing.Rectangle that corresponds to the element's position within the given ancestor. C1.Framework.Elementから継承されます。
Gets the element's bounds (size and location) within an arbitrary ancestor, in pixels. C1.Framework.Elementから継承されます。

HtmlElement クラス
HtmlElement メンバ