Ribbon for WinForms
StaysOpenMode プロパティ (C1SuperTooltipBase)

C1.Win.4.8 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1SuperTooltip 名前空間 > C1SuperTooltipBase クラス : StaysOpenMode プロパティ
Gets or sets a value indicating under what conditions the tooltip will remain visible if the mouse pointer leaves the control. Period of time (in milliseconds) the tooltip remains visible can be set using the AutoPopDelay property.
Public Property StaysOpenMode As StaysOpenMode
public StaysOpenMode StaysOpenMode {get; set;}
This property works only if HitTestVisible is true. Otherwise, the Control behaves as if the property is set to a value StaysOpenMode.Never.

C1SuperTooltipBase クラス
C1SuperTooltipBase メンバ