The major features of C1Ribbon control are elucidated below:
Simplified Ribbon
Ribbon for WinForms is a simplified compact ribbon, which is streamlined to provide more space for content. It enables a user to toggle back and forth between the simplified and full view at runtime by clicking the chevron button located towards the lower right corner of the ribbon. The Simplified View allows the display of some commands in a single line, and others accessible through a drop-down menu.
C1BackstageView is a separate component in C1Ribbon that imitates the Main Application Menu in old Ribbon-based applications. The backstage opens in a full-size window and works like a multi-level navigation control. A user can access the backstage by clicking the main button located on the leftmost corner of the application window. It replaces the main application menu button. The backstage provides the user access to functions like opening, saving, creating, renaming and printing files.
The Gallery Bar provides a gallery of items that you can select by clicking them. C1Ribbon supports some interesting features like grouping, filtering and zooming of items within the gallery.
Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) provides end-users the access to frequently-used items, such as New, Open, Save, Undo, Redo etc. The user can customize the Quick Access Toolbar and add more items from tabs and groups in the ribbon.
The Ribbon uses icon sets to display items with different sizes in various display modes and screen resolutions. The classic ribbon control offered only two options, large (32x32) and small (16x16) preset images for the Ribbon items, but the new C1Ribbon control defines appropriate icon sizes for low, medium and high DPI environments.
New Images in Themes
The C1Ribbon control includes a new set of embedded images for both light (low contrast) and dark (high contrast) themes. This helps to confer a better visual appearance to the ribbon.
Key Tips
The C1Ribbon control supports KeyTips to help the user reach a particular Ribbon command more easily by pressing a keyboard letter or number instead of mouse clicks.