名前 | 解説 | |
BeginEdit | オーバーライドされます。 Prevents the Appointment object from being updated until the EndEdit(Boolean) method is called. | |
CancelEdit | オーバーライドされます。 Discards changes since the last BeginEdit call. | |
ClearRecurrencePattern | Removes the recurrence settings and restores the RecurrenceStateEnum.NotRecurring state for an appointment. | |
CompareTo | Performs a comparison with another Appointment object based on the start time and subject. | |
Copy | Creates the copy of the Appointment object. | |
CopyFrom | オーバーロードされます。 Copies properties from the specified Appointment object to this one. | |
CopyPatternFrom | Copies RecurrencePattern from the specified Appointment | |
Delete | Deletes an appointment and removes it from the owning AppointmentCollection collection. | |
EndEdit() | Finishes edit mode started by the BasePersistableObject.BeginEdit method and updates a corresponding data source item. C1.Schedule.BasePersistableObjectから継承されます。 | |
FromXml | オーバーロードされます。 オーバーライドされます。 Reconstructs appointment from an System.Xml.XmlNode. | |
GetAppointmentProperties | Returns XML encoding of appointment properties. | |
GetFileName | Create string which can be used as a file name from appointment subject. | |
GetRecurrencePattern | Returns the RecurrencePattern object that represents the recurrence attributes of an appointment. If there is no existing recurrence pattern, a new empty RecurrencePattern object is returned. | |
GetTimeTillEvent | Returns a time term before the appointment start; a negative value means that appointment is expired. | |
InvalidateProperties | Invalidates appointment properties. | |
IsGroupMember | Returns True if the current Appointment object is a member of a group which is specified by the groupOwner and groupBy parameters; False otherwise. | |
SatisfyAllDayEventConditions | Returns the System.Boolean value indicating whether according to the appointment times and duration the appointment is an all-day event. | |
SaveAs | Saves the appointment to the specified path in the format of the specified file format. | |
SetAppointmentProperties | Reconstructs appointment properties from the specified string. | |
SetDirty | Specifies that the current appointment has been changed and should invalidate properties. | |
SetOwner | Sets a new group owner for the current appointment | |
ToXml | オーバーロードされます。 オーバーライドされます。 Creates an XML encoding of the appointment. |