Scheduler for WinForms
C1BrushStyleEnum 列挙体

C1.ScheduleCore アセンブリ > C1.Schedule 名前空間 : C1BrushStyleEnum 列挙体
Specifies the different patterns available for brushes.
Public Enum C1BrushStyleEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum C1BrushStyleEnum : System.Enum 
BackwardDiagonal A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper right to lower left.
Cross Specifies horizontal and vertical lines that cross.
DiagonalCross A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines.
ForwardDiagonal A pattern of lines on a diagonal from upper left to lower right.
Horizontal A pattern of horizontal lines.
Percent20 Specifies a 20-percent hatch. The ratio of foreground color to background color is 20:80.
Solid Represents solid brush.
Transparent Represents transparent brush.
Vertical A pattern of vertical lines.
Wave Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of tildes.
ZigZag Specifies horizontal lines that are composed of zigzags.



C1.Schedule 名前空間