True DBGrid for WinForms
View クラス メンバ
プロパティ  メソッド 

C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.BaseGrid 名前空間 : View クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets the type of border rendered for a split.  
Public プロパティGets or sets an XML string containing the current filter state.  
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether Expand/Collapse buttons for grouped/child grids or hierarchical views are shown.  
パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドCollapses the given row in GroupBY DataView grid for splits from the same vertical scroll group as this.  
Public メソッドCollapses the given band for given row in Hierarchical DataView grid for splits from the same vertical scroll group as this.  
Public メソッドオーバーロードされます。 Releases the resources used by the view.  
Public メソッドExpands the given row in GroupBY DataView grid for splits from the same vertical scroll group as this.  
Public メソッドExpands the given band for given row in Hierarchical DataView grid for splits from the same vertical scroll group as this.  
Public メソッドReturns a C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.Style that is applied to the specified cell.  
Public メソッドReturns the string that represents the current object.  

View クラス
C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.BaseGrid 名前空間