True DBGrid for WinForms
C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid 名前空間
C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ : C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid 名前空間
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.Expand and C1TrueDBGrid.Collapse events.
クラスProvides data for the BeforeColEdit event.
クラスProvides data for the BeforeColUpdate event.
クラスRepresents a column that defines binding information for the datasource.
クラスContains a collection of C1DataColumn objects.
クラスRepresents the columns in a split.
クラスRepresents a collection of C1DisplayColumn in a Split.
クラスObject to manage custom page headers and footers when printing and previewing.
クラスPrint progress window.
クラスRepresents a multicolumn drop-down list box for a grid column.
クラスC1TrueDBGrid is a legacy control; use C1.Win.FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid instead.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeDelete, C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeInsert, C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeUpdate, C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeRowColChange, C1TrueDBGrid.RowResize, C1TrueDBGrid.Scroll, C1TrueDBGrid.SelChange, C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeOpen, and C1TrueDBGrid.BeforeClose events.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.Scroll event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.AfterColUpdate, C1TrueDBGrid.AfterColEdit, C1TrueDBGrid.HeadClick, C1TrueDBGrid.FootClick, C1TrueDBGrid.ColEdit, C1TrueDBGrid.ButtonClick, C1TrueDBGrid.ComboSelect, C1TrueDBGrid.ValueItemError, and C1TrueDBGrid.FilterButtonClick events.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.ColMove event.
クラスProvides data for the ColReisize event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.ComboSelected event.
クラスRepresents a condition within a C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.ConditionFilter.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.CustomizeFilterEditor event.
クラスRepresents a drop down form of C1TrueDBGrid drop down editors.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.Error event.
クラスRepresents errors that occur during operations with C1ExpressionEditor.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchCellStyle event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchCellTips event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchFilterStyle event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchCellStyle event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchScrollTips event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.Filter, C1TrueDBGrid.AfterFilter, C1TrueDBGrid.Sort, and C1TrueDBGrid.AfterSort
クラスProvides data for the FromatText event.
クラスRepresents the border in a Style
クラスBase class for the grid renderers.
クラスRepresents a collection of named Style.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.GroupHeadClick event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.GroupColMove event.
クラスContains a collection of C1DataColumn objects that represent columns that are grouped.
クラスGroupInfo Property of the C1DataColumn object, used to control grouping and rendering of group headers and footers
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.GroupText event.
クラスObject that represents a groupby split.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.GroupText event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.OwnerDrawCell and C1TrueDBGrid.OwnerDrawCellPrint events.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.OwnerDrawPageHeader and C1TrueDBGrid.OwnerDrawPageHeader events.
クラスRepresents exception that is thrown if printing or exporting a C1TrueDBGrid is cancelled by the user.
クラスThe print preview form.
クラスSpecifies how a C1TrueDBGrid should be printed or exported when using such methods as C1TrueDBGrid.ExportTo, Print etc.
クラスRepresents print/export options form.
クラスSpecifies the characteristics of the print preview window shown by the PrintInfo.PrintPreview method.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.RowColChange event.
クラスContains a collection of C1DataColumn objects that represent columns that are selected.
クラスRepresents a collection of Selected rows.
クラスRepresents a horizontal or vertical pane to display and edit data.
クラスRepresents a collection of Split objects.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.FirstRowChange and C1TrueDBGrid.LeftColChange events.
クラスRepresents an object used to render grid elements.
クラスRepresents a collection of end user visible UI strings.
クラスProvides data for an UIStrings item related event.
クラスProvides data for the C1TrueDBGrid.UnboundColumnFetch event.
クラスRepresents an object that defines a value/display value pair.
クラスRepresents a collection of ValueItem objects.
クラスRepresents an object that defines how cells are rendered.
インターフェースDefines a value editor of filter condition.
デリゲートRaised when a hierarchical node is expanded or collapsed.
デリゲートRaised before a column enters edit mode.
デリゲートRaised after editing is completed in a cell.
デリゲートRaised before an action is performed on the grid and the action can be canceled.
デリゲートRaised when an action is perfored on a column.
デリゲートRaised when a column is being repositioned.
デリゲートRaised after a column has been resized.
デリゲートRaised when an action is perfored on a column.
デリゲートRepresents the method that will handle the C1TrueDBGrid.CustomizeFilterEditor event.
デリゲートRaised when an excpetion is thrown via the UI.
デリゲートRaised when the Style used to render a cell needs customization.
デリゲートRaised when cell tips are to be displayed.
デリゲートRaised when the Style used to render a row needs customization.
デリゲートRaised when scroll tips are to be displayed.
デリゲートRaised when the grid is sorted or filtered.
デリゲートRaised when a cell needs custom formatting.
デリゲートRaised when grouping columns.
デリゲートRaised when a column is moved into or out of the grouping area.
デリゲートRaised when text is grouped.
デリゲートRaised when text is grouped.
デリゲートRaised when a cell is to rendered by the event code.
デリゲートRaised when custom page headers and footers need to be rendered.
デリゲートRaised after the current Row or Column changes.
デリゲートRaised when Split specific actions are performed.
デリゲートRepresents a handler for an UIStrings item related event.
デリゲートRaised when an unbound column needs to be rendered.
列挙体Provides a description of the current addnew state with respect to the current cell.
列挙体Specifies the type of aggregate that is computed for a grouped row.
列挙体Specifies the horizontal alignment of text or images in a cell.
列挙体Specifies the vertical alignment of text or images in a cell.
列挙体Specifies the type of filter to be used for a C1DataColumn.
列挙体Specifies how the background image is rendered.
列挙体Specifies the borders for a Style.
列挙体Enumerates the type of changes made to a display column for event listeners
列挙体Describes the disposition of a cell.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

列挙体Specifies the behavior of the pop-up window when the cursor is idle over the grid.
列挙体Specifies how columns are merged.
列挙体Represents operators used in filter conditions.
列挙体Specifies how the grid displays its data.
列挙体Specifies which cell gets focus when the enter key is pressed.
列挙体Specifies the width of a C1TrueDBDropdown for a cell.
列挙体Specifies how the grid exposes the rightmost column when it gets focus.
列挙体Defined the sort type of a column.
列挙体Specifies how 3D elements are rendered.
列挙体Specifies the location of the foreground image in a cell.
列挙体Specifies a type of glyph (image) used by the grid.
列挙体Specifies the type of gradient.
列挙体Specifies how rows are grouped.
列挙体Specifies how the grouped column should be displayed.
列挙体Specifies the line style for row and column dividers.
列挙体Specifies how the current cell is highlighted.
列挙体Specifies the UI behavior for selecting rows and columns.
列挙体Specifies the initial expanded or collapsed state of a grouped row.
列挙体Specifies the type of ui-element for a coordinate.
列挙体Specifies how ValueItems are rendered.
列挙体Specify allowed print options.
列挙体Specifies how empty space left on a printed page is handled (filled or otherwise).
列挙体Specifies how grid lines are rendered.
列挙体Defines the device (printer or screen) used to measure document generated by PrintPreview() and Print() methods.
列挙体Specifies how grid is broken into extension (horizontal) pages when it is too wide to fit into one page.
列挙体Specifies how rows' heights are determined.
列挙体Specifies how cell text is wrapped.
列挙体Defined the relationship of a column.
列挙体Specifies which rows are to be previewed/printed.
列挙体Specifies how rows can be resized.
列挙体Identifies the type of row.
列挙体Identifies the type of scrollbar.
列挙体Specifies the visibility of ScrollBars.
列挙体Specifies the sizing mode for splits.
列挙体Specifies the glyph used to denote a sort direction in the column header.
列挙体Specifies how focus is handled when the Tab key is entered.
列挙体Specifies whether text wraps when it reaches the edge of the cell.
列挙体Specifies a visual style to use when rendering the control.

C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.4.5.2 アセンブリ