This topic covers the DataSource used for the QuickStart topic, that is, the Customer class.
C# |
public class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged, IEditableObject { // ** フィールド int _id, _countryId, _orderCount; string _first, _last; string _address, _city, _postalCode, _email; bool _active; DateTime _lastOrderDate; double _orderTotal; static Random _rnd = new Random(); static string[] _firstNames = "Andy|Ben|Charlie|Dan|Ed|Fred|Gil|Herb|Jack|Karl|Larry|Mark|Noah|Oprah|Paul|Quince|Rich|Steve|Ted|Ulrich|Vic|Xavier|Zeb".Split('|'); static string[] _lastNames = "Ambers|Bishop|Cole|Danson|Evers|Frommer|Griswold|Heath|Jammers|Krause|Lehman|Myers|Neiman|Orsted|Paulson|Quaid|Richards|Stevens|Trask|Ulam".Split('|'); static KeyValuePair[] _countries = "China-Beijing,Chongqing,Shanghai,Tianjin,Hong Kong,Macau,Anqing,Bengbu,Bozhou,Chaohu|India-New Delhi,Mumbai,Delhi,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Ahmedabad,Chennai,Kolkata,Surat,Pune|United States-Washington,New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Houston,Philadelphia,Phoenix,San Antonio,San Diego,Dallas|Indonesia-Jakarta,Surabaya,Bandung,Bekasi,Medan,Tangerang,Depok,Semarang,Palembang,South Tangerang|Brazil-Brasilia,San Pablo,Rio de Janeiro,Salvador,Fortaleza,Belo Horizonte,Manaus,Curitiba,Recife,Porto Alegre|Pakistan-Islamabad,Karachi,Lahore,Faisalabad,Rawalpindi,Gujranwala,Multan,Hyderabad,Peshawar,Quetta|Russia-Moscow,Saint Petersburg,Novosibirsk,Yekaterinburg,Nizhny Novgorod,Kazan,Chelyabinsk,Samara,Omsk,Rostov-na-Donu|Japan-Tokio,Yokohama,?saka,Nagoya,Sapporo,K?be,Ky?to,Fukuoka,Kawasaki,Saitama|Mexico-Mexico City,Guadalajara,Monterrey,Puebla,Toluca,Tijuana,Leon,Juarez,Torreon,Queretaro".Split('|').Select(str => new KeyValuePair(str.Split('-').First(), str.Split('-').Skip(1).First().Split(','))).ToArray(); static string[] _emailServers = "gmail|yahoo|outlook|aol".Split('|'); static string[] _streetNames = "Main|Broad|Grand|Panoramic|Green|Golden|Park|Fake".Split('|'); static string[] _streetTypes = "ST|AVE|BLVD".Split('|'); static string[] _streetOrientation = "S|N|W|E|SE|SW|NE|NW".Split('|'); // ** 初期化します public Customer() { } public Customer(int id) { Id = id; FirstName = GetRandomString(_firstNames); LastName = GetRandomString(_lastNames); Address = GetRandomAddress(); CountryId = _rnd.Next() % _countries.Length; var cities = _countries[CountryId].Value; City = GetRandomString(cities); PostalCode = _rnd.Next(10000, 99999).ToString(); Email = string.Format("{0}@{1}.com", (FirstName + LastName.Substring(0, 1)).ToLower(), GetRandomString(_emailServers)); LastOrderDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-_rnd.Next(1, 365)).AddHours(_rnd.Next(0, 24)).AddMinutes(_rnd.Next(0, 60)); OrderCount = _rnd.Next(0, 100); OrderTotal = Math.Round(_rnd.NextDouble() * 10000.00, 2); Active = _rnd.NextDouble() >= .5; } // オブジェクトモデル [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public int Id { get { return _id; } set { if (value != _id) { _id = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } public string FirstName { get { return _first; } set { if (value != _first) { _first = value; OnPropertyChanged(); OnPropertyChanged("Name"); } } } public string LastName { get { return _last; } set { if (value != _last) { _last = value; OnPropertyChanged(); OnPropertyChanged("Name"); } } } public string Address { get { return _address; } set { if (value != _address) { _address = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } public string City { get { return _city; } set { if (value != _city) { _city = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public int CountryId { get { return _countryId; } set { if (value != _countryId && value > -1 && value < _countries.Length) { _countryId = value; //_city = _countries[_countryId].Value.First(); OnPropertyChanged(); OnPropertyChanged("Country"); OnPropertyChanged("City"); } } } public string PostalCode { get { return _postalCode; } set { if (value != _postalCode) { _postalCode = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(Name = "e-mail")] public string Email { get { return _email; } set { if (value != _email) { _email = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public DateTime LastOrderDate { get { return _lastOrderDate; } set { if (value != _lastOrderDate) { _lastOrderDate = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public TimeSpan LastOrderTime { get { return LastOrderDate.TimeOfDay; } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public int OrderCount { get { return _orderCount; } set { if (value != _orderCount) { _orderCount = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public double OrderTotal { get { return _orderTotal; } set { if (value != _orderTotal) { _orderTotal = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public bool Active { get { return _active; } set { if (value != _active) { _active = value; OnPropertyChanged(); } } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public string Name { get { return string.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName); } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public string Country { get { return _countries[_countryId].Key; } } [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] [JsonIgnore] public double OrderAverage { get { return OrderTotal / (double)OrderCount; } } // 実装します // ** ユーティリティ static string GetRandomString(string[] arr) { return arr[_rnd.Next(arr.Length)]; } static string GetName() { return string.Format("{0} {1}", GetRandomString(_firstNames), GetRandomString(_lastNames)); } // ** 静的リストプロバイダ public static ObservableCollection GetCustomerList(int count) { var list = new ObservableCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { list.Add(new Customer(i)); } return list; } private static string GetRandomAddress() { if (_rnd.NextDouble() > 0.9) return string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}", _rnd.Next(1, 999), GetRandomString(_streetNames), GetRandomString(_streetTypes), GetRandomString(_streetOrientation)); else return string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", _rnd.Next(1, 999), GetRandomString(_streetNames), GetRandomString(_streetTypes)); } // ** 静的値プロバイダ public static KeyValuePair[] GetCountries() { return _countries.Select((p, index) => new KeyValuePair(index, p.Key)).ToArray(); } public static string[] GetFirstNames() { return _firstNames; } public static string[] GetLastNames() { return _lastNames; } // INotifyPropertyChangedメンバー // このインターフェースにより、バインドされているコントロールがデータオブジェクトの変更に反応できます。 public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName]string propertyName = "") { OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)); } protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (PropertyChanged != null) PropertyChanged(this, e); } // IEditableObjectメンバー // このインターフェースにより、トランザクション編集が可能になります(ユーザーはEscキーを押して以前の値を復元できます)。 Customer _clone; public void BeginEdit() { _clone = (Customer)this.MemberwiseClone(); } public void EndEdit() { _clone = null; } public void CancelEdit() { if (_clone != null) { foreach (var p in this.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (p.CanRead && p.CanWrite) { p.SetValue(this, p.GetValue(_clone, null), null); } } } } public static IEnumerable GetCities() { return _countries.SelectMany(country => country.Value, (pair, city) => new City() { Name = city, Country = pair.Key }); } } public class City { [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] public bool Selected { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } } |