Some of the key features of DataFilter for WinUI that you may find useful include:
- Manage groups using accordion layout - The DataFilter control lays out the filters as a vertically stacked list of items. Corresponding to each filter, an accordion tab is added which contains the controls used to filter the data-aware control by a specific field. Each filter element can have header and can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the associated content.
- Use different filters to filter distinct data - DataFilter provides different kinds of filters like BoolFilter, RangeFilter, DateFilter, FullTextFilter and NumericFilter to filter different types of data based on values and expressesions. The control also generates filter with a range slider and range editors for filtering range values such as in case of Price filter. Filters can also be added programmatically to the DataFilter control.
- Easy integration with controls - DataFilter can be easily paired up with any data-aware control like grid, calendar, or input.
- Navigate using the keyboard - DataFilter control supports filter navigation through the keyboard.This feature allows you to navigate through the vertically stacked list of filters and move the focus between different filter conditions.