Bitmap for WPF
DirectionalBlur クラス プロパティ

C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.Effects 名前空間 : DirectionalBlur クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティThe angle of the blur relative to the x-axis, in the counterclockwise direction. The units are specified in degrees. The blur kernel is first generated using the same process as for the Gaussian Blur effect. The kernel values are then transformed according to the blur angle using this equation and then applied to the bitmap. offset2D ? amount of transformation introduced in the blur kernel as a result of the blur angle. dist ? distance from the center of the kernel to the current position in the kernel. offset2d = (dist * cos(??), dist * sin(??) )  
Public プロパティThe mode used to calculate the border of the image, soft or hard. See BorderModemodes for more info.  
Public プロパティGets or sets Cached property. C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.Propertiesから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the associated instance of C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.CustomEffect. C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.Effectから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether this instance is disposed. C1.Util.DX.DisposeBaseから継承されます。
Public プロパティGet a pointer to the underlying Cpp Object C1.Util.DX.CppObjectから継承されます。
Public プロパティThe optimization mode. See C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.DirectionalBlurOptimizationmodes for more info.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the amount of blur to be applied to the image. Default: 1.0f  
Public プロパティGets or sets a custom user tag object to associate with this instance.. C1.Util.DX.CppObjectから継承されます。

DirectionalBlur クラス
C1.Util.DX.Direct2D.Effects 名前空間