Bitmap for WPF
Create メソッド (ClassInstance)

C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.Direct3D11 名前空間 > ClassInstance クラス : Create メソッド
An instance of ClassLinkage.
The type name of a class to initialize.
Identifies the constant buffer that contains the class data.
The four-component vector offset from the start of the constant buffer where the class data will begin. Consequently, this is not a byte offset.
The texture slot for the first texture; there may be multiple textures following the offset.
The sampler slot for the first sampler; there may be multiple samplers following the offset.
Initializes a class-instance object that represents an HLSL class instance.
Public Shared Function Create( _
   ByVal linkage As ClassLinkage, _
   ByVal classTypeName As System.String, _
   ByVal constantBufferOffset As System.Integer, _
   ByVal constantVectorOffset As System.Integer, _
   ByVal textureOffset As System.Integer, _
   ByVal samplerOffset As System.Integer _
) As ClassInstance
public static ClassInstance Create( 
   ClassLinkage linkage,
   System.string classTypeName, constantBufferOffset, constantVectorOffset, textureOffset, samplerOffset


An instance of ClassLinkage.
The type name of a class to initialize.
Identifies the constant buffer that contains the class data.
The four-component vector offset from the start of the constant buffer where the class data will begin. Consequently, this is not a byte offset.
The texture slot for the first texture; there may be multiple textures following the offset.
The sampler slot for the first sampler; there may be multiple samplers following the offset.

ClassInstance クラス
ClassInstance メンバ