名前 | 解説 | |
Create | オーバーロードされます。 Takes a string, text format, and associated constraints, and produces an object that represents the fully analyzed and formatted result. | |
DetermineMinWidth | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::DetermineMinWidth([Out] float* minWidth) | |
Draw | オーバーロードされます。 Draws text using the specified client drawing context. | |
GetClusterMetrics | オーバーロードされます。 Retrieves logical properties and measurements of each glyph cluster. | |
GetDrawingEffect | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the application-defined drawing effect at the specified text position. | |
GetFlowDirection | DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION IDWriteTextFormat::GetFlowDirection() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetFontCollection | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font collection associated with the text at the specified position. | |
GetFontFamilyName | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font family name of the text at the specified position. | |
GetFontFamilyNameLength | オーバーロードされます。 HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::GetFontFamilyNameLength([In] unsigned int currentPosition,[Out] unsigned int* nameLength,[Out, Optional] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange) | |
GetFontSize | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font em height of the text at the specified position. | |
GetFontStretch | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font stretch of the text at the specified position. | |
GetFontStyle | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font style (also known as slope) of the text at the specified position. | |
GetFontWeight | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the font weight of the text at the specified position. | |
GetIncrementalTabStop | float IDWriteTextFormat::GetIncrementalTabStop() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetInlineObject | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the inline object at the specified position. | |
GetLineMetrics | オーバーロードされます。 Retrieves the information about each individual text line of the text string. | |
GetLineSpacing | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::GetLineSpacing([Out] DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD* lineSpacingMethod,[Out] float* lineSpacing,[Out] float* baseline) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetLocaleName | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the locale name of the text at the specified position. | |
GetLocaleNameLength | オーバーロードされます。 HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::GetLocaleNameLength([In] unsigned int currentPosition,[Out] unsigned int* nameLength,[Out, Optional] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE* textRange) | |
GetMaxHeight | float IDWriteTextLayout::GetMaxHeight() | |
GetMaxWidth | float IDWriteTextLayout::GetMaxWidth() | |
GetMetrics | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::GetMetrics([Out] DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS* textMetrics) | |
GetOverhangMetrics | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::GetOverhangMetrics([Out] DWRITE_OVERHANG_METRICS* overhangs) | |
GetParagraphAlignment | DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT IDWriteTextFormat::GetParagraphAlignment() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetReadingDirection | DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION IDWriteTextFormat::GetReadingDirection() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetTextAlignment | DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT IDWriteTextFormat::GetTextAlignment() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetTrimming | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::GetTrimming([Out] DWRITE_TRIMMING* trimmingOptions,[Out] IDWriteInlineObject** trimmingSign) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
GetTypography | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the typography setting of the text at the specified position. | |
GetWordWrapping | DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING IDWriteTextFormat::GetWordWrapping() C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
HasStrikethrough | オーバーロードされます。 Get the strikethrough presence of the text at the specified position. | |
HasUnderline | オーバーロードされます。 Gets the underline presence of the text at the specified position. | |
HitTestPoint | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::HitTestPoint([In] float pointX,[In] float pointY,[Out] BOOL* isTrailingHit,[Out] BOOL* isInside,[Out] DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS* hitTestMetrics) | |
HitTestTextPosition | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::HitTestTextPosition([In] unsigned int textPosition,[In] BOOL isTrailingHit,[Out] float* pointX,[Out] float* pointY,[Out] DWRITE_HIT_TEST_METRICS* hitTestMetrics) | |
HitTestTextRange | オーバーロードされます。 The application calls this function to get a set of hit-test metrics corresponding to a range of text positions. One of the main usages is to implement highlight selection of the text string. The function returns E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, which is equivalent to HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER), when the buffer size of hitTestMetrics is too small to hold all the regions calculated by the function. In this situation, the function sets the output value *actualHitTestMetricsCount to the number of geometries calculated. The application is responsible for allocating a new buffer of greater size and calling the function again. A good value to use as an initial value for maxHitTestMetricsCount may be calculated from the following equation: maxHitTestMetricsCount = lineCount * maxBidiReorderingDepth where lineCount is obtained from the value of the output argument *actualLineCount (from the function IDWriteTextLayout::GetLineLengths), and the maxBidiReorderingDepth value from the DWRITE_TEXT_METRICS structure of the output argument *textMetrics (from the function IDWriteFactory::CreateTextLayout). | |
QueryInterface | オーバーロードされます。 Query this instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. C1.Util.DX.ComObjectから継承されます。 | |
QueryInterfaceOrNull | オーバーロードされます。 Query instance for a particular COM GUID/interface support. C1.Util.DX.ComObjectから継承されます。 | |
SetDrawingEffect | オーバーロードされます。 Sets the application-defined drawing effect. | |
SetFlowDirection | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetFlowDirection([In] DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION flowDirection) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetFontCollection | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontCollection([In] IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetFontFamilyName | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontFamilyName([In] const wchar_t* fontFamilyName,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetFontSize | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontSize([In] float fontSize,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetFontStretch | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontStretch([In] DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH fontStretch,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetFontStyle | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontStyle([In] DWRITE_FONT_STYLE fontStyle,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetFontWeight | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetFontWeight([In] DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT fontWeight,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetIncrementalTabStop | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetIncrementalTabStop([In] float incrementalTabStop) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetInlineObject | Sets the inline object. | |
SetLineSpacing | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetLineSpacing([In] DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD lineSpacingMethod,[In] float lineSpacing,[In] float baseline) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetLocaleName | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetLocaleName([In] const wchar_t* localeName,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetMaxHeight | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetMaxHeight([In] float maxHeight) | |
SetMaxWidth | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetMaxWidth([In] float maxWidth) | |
SetParagraphAlignment | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetParagraphAlignment([In] DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT paragraphAlignment) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetReadingDirection | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetReadingDirection([In] DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION readingDirection) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetStrikethrough | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetStrikethrough([In] BOOL hasStrikethrough,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetTextAlignment | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetTextAlignment([In] DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT textAlignment) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetTrimming | Sets trimming options for text overflowing the layout width. C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 | |
SetTypography | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetTypography([In] IDWriteTypography* typography,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetUnderline | HRESULT IDWriteTextLayout::SetUnderline([In] BOOL hasUnderline,[In] DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange) | |
SetWordWrapping | HRESULT IDWriteTextFormat::SetWordWrapping([In] DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING wordWrapping) C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite.TextFormatから継承されます。 |