Bitmap for WPF
DrawInlineObject メソッド (TextRendererBase)

C1.WPF.DX.4.5.2 アセンブリ > C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite 名前空間 > TextRendererBase クラス : DrawInlineObject メソッド
The application-defined drawing context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.
X-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.
Y-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.
The application-defined inline object set using IDWriteTextFormat::SetInlineObject.
A Boolean flag that indicates whether the object's baseline runs alongside the baseline axis of the line.
A Boolean flag that indicates whether the object is in a right-to-left context, hinting that the drawing may want to mirror the normal image.
Application-defined drawing effects for the glyphs to render. Usually this argument represents effects such as the foreground brush filling the interior of a line.
IDWriteTextLayout::Draw calls this application callback when it needs to draw an inline object.
Public Overridable Function DrawInlineObject( _
   ByVal clientDrawingContext As System.Object, _
   ByVal originX As System.Single, _
   ByVal originY As System.Single, _
   ByVal inlineObject As InlineObject, _
   ByVal isSideways As System.Boolean, _
   ByVal isRightToLeft As System.Boolean, _
   ByVal clientDrawingEffectPtr As System.IntPtr _
) As HResult
public virtual HResult DrawInlineObject( 
   System.object clientDrawingContext,
   System.float originX,
   System.float originY,
   InlineObject inlineObject,
   System.bool isSideways,
   System.bool isRightToLeft,
   System.IntPtr clientDrawingEffectPtr


The application-defined drawing context passed to IDWriteTextLayout::Draw.
X-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.
Y-coordinate at the top-left corner of the inline object.
The application-defined inline object set using IDWriteTextFormat::SetInlineObject.
A Boolean flag that indicates whether the object's baseline runs alongside the baseline axis of the line.
A Boolean flag that indicates whether the object is in a right-to-left context, hinting that the drawing may want to mirror the normal image.
Application-defined drawing effects for the glyphs to render. Usually this argument represents effects such as the foreground brush filling the interior of a line.


If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

TextRendererBase クラス
TextRendererBase メンバ