FlexChart for WPF
FlexChart > FlexChart の操作 > 外観 > データシンボルのカスタマイズ化

Customizing the data symbols in your application enhances the presentation and understanding of the chart. FlexChart allows you to customize the data symbols using SymbolRendered event of the Series class.

The image below shows each of point of a series in a different colour.


You can use the following code to customize the data symbols using SymbolRendered event.

private void VendorSeries_SymbolRendering(object sender, RenderSymbolEventArgs e)
    // データベースモデルからvendor(ベンダー)の色を取得し、データシンボルを描画します
    e.Engine.SetFill(new SolidColorBrush(ViewModel.SmartPhoneVendors.ElementAt(e.Index).Color));
    e.Engine.SetStroke(new SolidColorBrush(ViewModel.SmartPhoneVendors.ElementAt(e.Index).Color));