FlexReport for WPF

This topic uses "Conditional Formatting" report to demonstrate how to change a field's appearance depending on the data it represents. This can be done using parameters.

Conditional formatting allows you to format data based on one or more conditions. In this report, the data fields are highlighted depending on the following conditions which are defined in a parameter named pCondition:

The report contains another parameter, pHighlightColor, that highlights the data fields depending on the conditions defined in the pCondition parameter.

On previewing the report, the data fields with the unit price greater than 50 are highlighted in red color. However, you can select any other condition from the above listed conditions and also change the highlighting color to green from the Parameters Panel. Perform the following steps to see how this can be done.


Step 1: Create a report

  1. Open the C1FlexReportDesigner and go to FILE|New.
  2. Click New Report drop down from the Reports tab and select Empty Report to create a report.
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Step 2: Connect the report to a data source

  1. Switch to the Data tab, right-click the Main data source and choose Edit to open and the Data Sources Wizard and start editing.
  2. Select OLEDB Data Provider from the Data provider drop-down and click the ellipsis button next to the Connection string textbox to select the C1NWind.mdb file.
  3. Select Products table from the Data source tab.
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Step 3: Add parameters

  1. Right-click Parameters and select Add Parameters to add two parameters, pCondition and pHighlightColor.
  2. Set the following properties for the parameters from the Properties window.
    pCondition properties Value
    Prompt Condition
    Value 1
    DataType Integer

    pHighlightColor properties Value
    Prompt Color
    Value Red
    DataType String

  3. Specify the properties for each parameters in AllowedValuesDefinition property as follows. The following values set alternate color to the row.

    pCondition Labels Values
    Unit price greater than 50 CInt(1)
    Unit price greater than 100 CInt(2)
    More than 50 units in stock CInt(3)

    pHighlightColor Labels Values
    Red Red
    Green Green

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Step 4: Add conditional formatting

  1. Add four TextFields to the report header and set the following properties:
    Property Value
    TextField1.Text =pCondition.Prompt & ":"
    TextField2.Text =pHighlightColor.Prompt & ":"
    TextField3.Text =pCondition.DisplayText
    TextField4.Text =pHighlightColor.DisplayText

  2. Click Groups in Home tab and add a group named HeaderGroup.
  3. In the Groups wizard, set the following properties for HeaderGroup:
    Property Value
    ShowGroupFooter True
    ShowGroupHeader True

  4. Click OK to close the Groups wizard.
  5. In HeaderGroup_Header, add five TextFields and set the following properties.
    Property Value
    TextField5.Text Product Name
    TextField6.Text Quantity Per Unit
    TextField7.Text Stock
    TextField8.Text Unit Price
    TextField9.Text Discontinued

  6. In the Details section, add five TextFields corresponding to the TextFields in HeaderGroup_Header, and set the following properties:
    Property Value
    TextField10.Text =ProductName
    TextField11.Text =QuantityPerUnit
    TextField12.Text =Stock
    TextField13.Text =UnitPrice
    TextField14.Text =Discontinued

  7. Select Detail from the drop-down list on the top of the Properties window.
  8. Go to the OnFormat property and click the ellipsis next to it.
  9. The VBScript Editor appears. Enter the following VBScript expression in the editor to apply conditional formatting.
    row = row + 1
    if row mod 2 = 1 Then
      rowColor = Rgb(248, 248, 248)
      rowColor = "Transparent"
    doHighlight = False
    if pCondition = 1 Then
      doHighlight = UnitPrice > 50
    ElseIf pCondition = 2 Then
      doHighlight = UnitPrice > 100
    ElseIf pCondition = 3 Then
      doHighlight = UnitsInStock > 50
    if doHighlight Then
      textColor = pHighlightColor
      textColor = Rgb(90, 70, 50)
    Detail.BackColor = rowColor
    for i = 0 to Detail.Fields.Count - 1
      Detail.Fields(i).ForeColor = textColor
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Step 4: View the report

  1. レポートをプレビュー表示します。
  2. In the Preview mode, click Parameters from the View group to open the parameters panel and apply parameters.
    Report with Conditional Formatting
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メモ: レポートの完全なサンプルについては、ComponentOne Samples\Winforms\C1FlexReport\CS\FlexCommonTasks フォルダにある FlexCommonTasks.flxr レポート定義ファイルの「Conditional Formatting」レポートを参照してください。使用するデータベース C1NWind.mdb も、ComponentOne Samples フォルダにあります。