The following table lists some of the key classes, their properties and methods of the FlexReport control. You can click on the classes to get to the API documentation that provides detailed description for the key members.
C1FlexReport |
Properties: ReportName, Document, DoEvents, Page, MaxPages, Font, OnOpen, OnClose, OnNoData, OnPage, OnError
Methods: Load, GetReportList, Save, Clear, Render, Evaluate, Execute |
BarCodeField |
Properties: BarCode, BarCodeOptions, Font, Text |
CalculatedField |
Properties: DataSource, Expression, Type |
CheckBoxField |
Properties: CheckAlign, CheckMark, Text, ThreeState, Value |
DataField |
Properties: Calculated, Name, Type, Value |
DataSource |
Properties: CalculatedFields, ConnectionString, DataProvider, Filter, RecordSet, RecordSource, SortDefinitions
Methods: AssignFrom, Open, Close, ToString |
FieldBase |
Properties: Anchor, Height, ForcePageBreak, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, Section, SplitHorzBehavior, SplitVertBehavior
Methods: AssignFrom, Clone |
FieldCollection |
Methods: Add, Remove, RemoveAt |
Group |
Properties: GroupBy, KeepTogether, ParentReport, SectionHeader, SectionFooter, Sort, SortExpression
Methods: AssignFrom |
GroupCollection |
Properties: Report
Methods: Add, Clear, RemoveAt |
ImageField |
Properties: Picture, PictureAlign, PictureScale |
ReportParameter |
Properties: AllowedValuesDefinition, DisplayText, ParentReport
Methods: AssignFrom, CreateSame |
ReportParameterCollection |
Properties: Item, Count |
Section |
Properties: Calculated, Fields, Height, SplitBehavior, SubSections
Methods: AssignFrom |
SectionCollection |
Properties: Detail, Footer, Header, PageFooter, PageHeader
Methods: FindSection |
ShapeField |
Properties: Line, Shape, ShapeBackColor, ShapeBackground, ShapeType
Methods: AssignFrom |
SortDefinition |
Properties: Direction, Expression
Methods: AssignFrom |
SubSection |
Properties: AutoHeight, Calculated, Fields, ForcePageBreak, Height, ParentReport, ParentSection, SplitBehavior, Visible
Methods: AssignFrom |
SubSectionCollection |
Methods: Add, Remove, RemoveAt |
SubreportField |
Properties: ParameterValues, Subreport, SubreportFilter |
TextField |
Properties: Format, Text, Value |