FlexReport for WPF
FlexViewer for WPF > レポートのスクロール

FlexViewer allows you to scroll through the report or document pages using scrollbars, mouse or touch gesture. It also lets you change the scrolling behavior and specify what to do while scrolling the document pages using the ScrollMode property of the FlexViewer class. The ScrollMode property uses the ScrollMode enumeration to set one of the following modes that define the scrolling behavior of the viewer:

ScrollMode Enumeration Values Description Image
Single Page
Single Page

Single Page

As the name suggests, this mode displays only one page or the current page at a time, without any portion of the next page. It only lets you scroll up or down to navigate through that page only.
Continuous Page
Continuous Page

Continuous Page

This is the default mode that displays multiple pages continuously without page breaks. It lets you scroll through all the pages of the report continuously and smoothly without sudden transitions.

Continuous Snap Page
Continuous Snap Page

Continuous Snap Page

This mode displays all the pages continuously and snap the page at the end while scrolling.

The following code demonstrates the use of the ScrollMode property to display all the pages continuously and snap the document page at the end.

viewer.ScrollMode = FlexViewerScrollMode.ContinuousSnapPage;