Scheduler for WPF
TotalGroupItem プロパティ (C1SchedulerViewModel)

C1.WPF.Schedule アセンブリ > C1.WPF.Schedule 名前空間 > C1SchedulerViewModel クラス : TotalGroupItem プロパティ
Gets the SchedulerGroupItem object representing the group item which has no owner, but contains appointments of all visible group items.
Public ReadOnly Property TotalGroupItem As SchedulerGroupItem
public SchedulerGroupItem TotalGroupItem {get;}
It is a special group item, it is not included into GroupItems and VisibleGroupItems collections. The C1Scheduler control uses this group to display availability status line in the default TimeLineStyle (see source xaml for the sample of using).

C1SchedulerViewModel クラス
C1SchedulerViewModel メンバ