GrapeCity CalendarGrid for Windows Forms 2.0J
AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs クラス
メンバ  使用例 

GcCalendarGrid.AppointmentCellDragging イベントのデータを提供します。
public class AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs : System.EventArgs 
Public Class AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs 
   Inherits System.EventArgs
次のサンプルコードは、このイベントを使用して予定の日付範囲を制限する方法を示します。このサンプルコードは、CalendarAppointmentCellType クラスに示されている詳細なコード例の一部を抜粋したものです。
void gcCalendarGrid_AppointmentCellDragging(object sender, AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs e)
    //The following code will make the appointment limited between 2014/1/1 and 2014/1/31, and the original appointment date cannot be changed to shorter.
    if (e.StartCellPosition.RowIndex == 1 && e.StartCellPosition.ColumnIndex == 0)
        if (e.DraggingHandle == HandlePosition.Left)
            if (e.TargetCellPosition.Date >= new DateTime(2014, 1, 1) && e.TargetCellPosition.Date <= e.StartCellPosition.Date)
                e.AllowDrop = true;
                e.AllowDrop = false;
        else if(e.DraggingHandle == HandlePosition.Right)
            if (e.TargetCellPosition.Date <= new DateTime(2014, 1, 31) && e.TargetCellPosition.Date >= e.EndCellPosition.Date)
                e.AllowDrop = true;
                e.AllowDrop = false;
Private Sub gcCalendarGrid_AppointmentCellDragging(sender As Object, e As AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs)
    'The following code will make the appointment limited between 2014/1/1 and 2014/1/31, and the original appointment date cannot be changed to shorter.
    If e.StartCellPosition.RowIndex = 1 AndAlso e.StartCellPosition.ColumnIndex = 0 Then
        If e.DraggingHandle = HandlePosition.Left Then
            If e.TargetCellPosition.[Date] >= New DateTime(2014, 1, 1) AndAlso e.TargetCellPosition.[Date] <= e.StartCellPosition.[Date] Then
                e.AllowDrop = True
                e.AllowDrop = False
            End If
        ElseIf e.DraggingHandle = HandlePosition.Right Then
            If e.TargetCellPosition.[Date] <= New DateTime(2014, 1, 31) AndAlso e.TargetCellPosition.[Date] >= e.EndCellPosition.[Date] Then
                e.AllowDrop = True
                e.AllowDrop = False
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub



AppointmentCellDraggingEventArgs メンバ
GrapeCity.Win.CalendarGrid 名前空間



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