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Visual クラス プロパティ

DS.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition 名前空間 : Visual クラス


パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets the associated array of GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.AnchorPoint objects.

Either Contour or AnchorPoints can be assigned at the same time, but not both.

Public プロパティGets or sets an associated GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Contour object.

Either Contour or AnchorPoints can be assigned at the same time, but not both.

Public プロパティGets or sets a delegate that accepts a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.GcGraphics object and a Visual and draws the visual on the graphics.  
Public プロパティGet the height of the associated GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutRect if any exists, or of the owner GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutView.  
Public プロパティGets the ID of the space. Automatic IDs are negative, custom IDs are positive. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets true if this Space is not associated with any Layer, false otherwise. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets the owner Layer. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets a GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutRect associated with this Space, or null 参照 (Visual Basicでは Nothing) for a Visual without the associated rectangle. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets the name of this Space. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets the array of points transformed relative to the associated GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutRect if any exists, or relative to the owner GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutView.  
Public プロパティGets or sets an object that contains arbitrary data associated with this space. GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition.Spaceから継承されます。
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating whether this Visual is visible.  
Public プロパティGets the Visual that appears on top of the current Visual.  
Public プロパティGets the Visual that appears below the current Visual.  
Public プロパティGet the width of the associated GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutRect if any exists, or of the owner GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.LayoutView.  

Visual クラス
GrapeCity.Documents.Layout.Composition 名前空間