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Matrix4x4 構造体 メンバ
フィールド  プロパティ  メソッド 

GrapeCity.Documents.DX.Windows アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.DX 名前空間 : Matrix4x4 構造体


パブリック コンストラクタ
Public コンストラクタオーバーロードされます。   
パブリック フィールド
Public フィールドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)The identity Matrix4x4.  
Public フィールドValue at row 1 column 1 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 1 column 2 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 1 column 3 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 1 column 4 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 2 column 1 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 2 column 2 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 2 column 3 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 2 column 4 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 3 column 1 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 3 column 2 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 3 column 3 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 3 column 4 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 4 column 1 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 4 column 2 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 4 column 3 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドValue at row 4 column 4 of the matrix.  
Public フィールドThe size of the Matrix4x4 type, in bytes.  
Public フィールドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)A Matrix4x4 with all of its components set to zero.  
パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets the first column in the matrix; that is M11, M21, M31, and M41.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the second column in the matrix; that is M12, M22, M32, and M42.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the third column in the matrix; that is M13, M23, M33, and M43.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the fourth column in the matrix; that is M14, M24, M34, and M44.  
Public プロパティCalculates the determinant of the matrix.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether this instance is an identity matrix.  
Public プロパティオーバーロードされます。 Gets or sets the component at the specified index.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the first row in the matrix; that is M11, M12, M13, and M14.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the second row in the matrix; that is M21, M22, M23, and M24.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the third row in the matrix; that is M31, M32, M33, and M34.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the fourth row in the matrix; that is M41, M42, M43, and M44.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the scale of the matrix; that is M11, M22, and M33.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the translation of the matrix; that is M41, M42, and M43.  
パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Determines the sum of two matrices.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a spherical billboard that rotates around a specified object position.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a cylindrical billboard that rotates around a specified axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Divides a matrix by the given value.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Determines whether two instances of Matrix4x4 are equal.  
Public メソッドExchanges two columns in the matrix.  
Public メソッドExchanges two rows in the matrix.  
Public メソッドReturns a hash code for this instance.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Element-wise division of two matrices.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Determines the Hadamard (element-wise) product of two matrices.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Calculates the inverse of the specified matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Performs a linear interpolation between two matrices based on the given weighting.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a view matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Scales a matrix by the given value.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Negates a matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Negates a matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates an orthographic perspective matrix from the given view volume dimensions.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a customized orthographic projection matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a perspective projection matrix from the given view volume dimensions.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view, aspect ratio, and near and far view plane distances.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a customized perspective projection matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a specified plane.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a matrix that rotates around an arbitary axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a matrix that rotates around the x-axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a matrix that rotates around the y-axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a matrix that rotates around the z-axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a matrix that uniformally scales along all three axis.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a matrix that flattens geometry into a specified plane as if casting a shadow from a specified light source.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a skew/shear matrix by means of a translation vector, a rotation vector, and a rotation angle.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Determines the difference between two matrices.  
Public メソッドCreates an array containing the elements of the matrix.  
Public メソッドオーバーロードされます。 Returns a string that represents the current object.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)オーバーロードされます。 Creates a translation matrix using the specified offsets.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Calculates the transpose of the specified matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Transposes the matrix.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a world matrix with the specified parameters.  
Public メソッドstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Creates a rotation matrix from the specified yaw, pitch, and roll.  
パブリック オペレータ
Adds two matricies.
Scales a matrix by a given value.
Tests for equality between two objects.
Tests for inequality between two objects.
オーバーロードされます。 Scales a matrix by a given value.
Subtracts two matricies.
Negates a matrix.

Matrix4x4 構造体
GrapeCity.Documents.DX 名前空間