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DrawLines メソッド

GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing 名前空間 > GcGraphics クラス : DrawLines メソッド
Draws a series of connected lines, using a specified line color, width and style.

If the value of lineStyle parameter is not DashStyle.Solid, the lines are drawn with a Pen having Pen.LineCap set to PenLineCap.Square instead of PenLineCap.Flat.

Draws a series of connected lines, using a specified line color, width and style.

If the value of lineStyle parameter is not DashStyle.Solid, the lines are drawn with a Pen having Pen.LineCap set to PenLineCap.Square instead of PenLineCap.Flat.

Draws a series of connected lines, using a specified line style.

If the dashPattern array contains two or more items, the lines are drawn with a Pen having Pen.LineCap set to PenLineCap.Square instead of PenLineCap.Flat.

Draws a series of connected lines, using a specified pen.  

GcGraphics クラス
GcGraphics メンバ