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GcGifWriter クラス メンバ
プロパティ  メソッド 

GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging 名前空間 : GcGifWriter クラス


パブリック コンストラクタ
Public コンストラクタオーバーロードされます。   
パブリック プロパティ
Public プロパティGets or sets a value indicating if a transparent color should be added to the Global and Local Color Tables, if the number of opaque colors is less than 256.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the optional GIF comment.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the encoding for the Comment string, Encoding.UTF8 is used by default.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the palette with opaque colors in 32-bit ARGB format to be stored as the Global Color Table.

If the palette contains 255 or less elements, the transparent color can be appended to the Global Color Table.

Elements with index 256 and above are ignored.

Public プロパティGets or sets the raw ICC profile data for the frames. The value should be assigned before appending the first frame.  
Public プロパティGets a value indicating whether the GcGifWriter has been disposed of.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the height, in pixels, of the Logical Screen where the frames will be rendered.  
Public プロパティGet or sets the width, in pixels, of the Logical Screen where the frames will be rendered.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the number of iterations the animated GIF should be executed. 0 means infinite loop.  
Public プロパティGets the index of the next frame to be added.  
Public プロパティGets or sets the quotient of the pixel's width over its height.  
パブリック メソッド
Public メソッドオーバーロードされます。 Writes the specified GcBitmap to the output stream as the next frame.  
Public メソッドClean up any resources being used.  
Public メソッドUpdates the PixelAspectRatio property based on the specified horizontal and vertical resolutions.  

GcGifWriter クラス
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging 名前空間