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TiffValidationResult 列挙体

GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging 名前空間 : TiffValidationResult 列挙体
Specifies whether an image can be loaded from TIFF frame and the reason if it can't.
Public Enum TiffValidationResult 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum TiffValidationResult : System.Enum 
IncompatibleCompressionSchemeCCITT_1D, Group_3_Fax, and Group_4_Fax compression schemes are only supported for SamplesPerPixel = 1 and BitsPerSample = 1.
MissingColorMapColorMap is a required field for the RGB_Palette color space.
MoreThanOneSamplePerPixelThe specified color space (WhiteIsZero, BlackIsZero, TransparencyMask, or RGB_Palette) supports only one component (sample) per pixel.
NoStripOffsetsOrByteCountsStripOffsets or StripByteCounts fields are missing (while TileWidth and TileLength are not defined).
NoTileOffsetsOrByteCountsTileOffsets or TileByteCounts fields are missing for a tiled TIFF frame.
SuccessNo problems found. Image can be loaded from a TiffFrame.
TileWidthIsNotMultipleOf16TileWidth must be a multiple of 16 (or at least of 8 for GcTiffReader).
UnexpectedBitsPerSampleUnexpected value of the BitsPerSample field.
UnexpectedExtraSamplesUnexpected value of the ExtraSamples field. GcTiffReader supports single associated or unassociated alpha component.
UnsupportedCompressionSchemeTIFF frame's compression scheme is not currently supported in GcTiffReader.
UnsupportedDifferencingPredictorDifferencing Predictor is supported for LZW and Deflate TIFF encoding schemes only.
UnsupportedFillOrderFillOrder = 2 is only supported for SamplesPerPixel = 1 and BitsPerSample = 1.
UnsupportedIndexedFormatIndexed images with BitsPerSample other than 4 or 8 are not currently supported in GcTiffReader.
UnsupportedPhotometricInterpretationThe specified color space of the image data is not currently supported in GcTiffReader.
UnsupportedRGBFormatRGB images with SamplesPerPixel other than 3 or 4 are not currently supported in GcTiffReader.
ZeroSizedFrameTileEither TileWidth or TileLength are equal to zero for a tiled TIFF frame.
ZeroSizedTiffFrameTIFF frame has either width or length equal to zero.



GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging 名前空間