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SvgFontVariantLigatures 列挙体

GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Svg 名前空間 : SvgFontVariantLigatures 列挙体
Enables or disables ligatures and contextual forms.
Public Enum SvgFontVariantLigatures 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum SvgFontVariantLigatures : System.Enum 
CommonLigaturesEnables display of common ligatures (OpenType features: liga, clig).
ContextualEnables display of contextual alternates (OpenType feature: calt).
DiscretionaryLigaturesEnables display of discretionary ligatures (OpenType feature: dlig).
HistoricalLigaturesEnables display of historical ligatures (OpenType feature: hlig).
NoCommonLigaturesDisables display of common ligatures (OpenType features: liga, clig).
NoContextualDisables display of contextual alternates (OpenType feature: calt).
NoDiscretionaryLigaturesDisables display of discretionary ligatures (OpenType feature: dlig).
NoHistoricalLigaturesDisables display of historical ligatures (OpenType feature: hlig).
NoneAll types of ligatures and contextual forms covered by this property are explicitly disabled.
NormalCommon ligatures and contextual forms are on by default, discretionary and historical ligatures are not.



GrapeCity.Documents.Svg 名前空間