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SvgStrokeLineCap 列挙体

GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging アセンブリ > GrapeCity.Documents.Svg 名前空間 : SvgStrokeLineCap 列挙体
Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
Public Enum SvgStrokeLineCap 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum SvgStrokeLineCap : System.Enum 
ButtIndicates that the stroke for each subpath does not extend beyond its two endpoints.
RoundIndicates that at each end of each subpath, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a half circle with a diameter equal to the stroke width.
SquareIndicates that at the end of each subpath, the shape representing the stroke will be extended by a rectangle with the same width as the stroke width and whose length is half of the stroke width.



GrapeCity.Documents.Svg 名前空間