PowerTools InputMan for Windows Forms 8.0J
Clear メソッド (EditBase)

Public Overridable Sub Clear() 
public virtual void Clear()
Clear メソッドは、Text プロパティを空の文字列に初期化します。 ReadOnly プロパティがTrueに設定されていると、 コントロールの内容は変更されません。
TextChanged イベントと連携するイベント処理を利用する GcTextBox コントロールを作成するコード例を次に示します。
//  Please use the following namespace
//  using System.Windows.Forms;
//  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

private bool flag;
public void WireTextChangedEvent()
    // Create an instance of a GcTextBox control.
    GcTextBox gcTextBox1 = new GcTextBox();
    // Wire the TextChanging event.
    gcTextBox1.TextChanged += new EventHandler(GcTextBox_TextChangedHandler);

private void GcTextBox_TextChangedHandler(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    GcTextBox gcTextBox1 = sender as GcTextBox;
    long val;
    // Check the flag to prevent code re-entry. 
    if (flag == false)
        // Set the flag to True to prevent re-entry of the code below.
        flag = true;
        // Determine if the text of the control is a number.
            // Attempt to convert to long
            val = System.Convert.ToInt64(gcTextBox1.Text);
            // Display a message box and clear the contents if not a number.
            MessageBox.Show("The text is not a valid number. Please re-enter");
            // Clear the contents of the text box to allow re-entry.
        // Reset the flag so other TextChanged events are processed correctly.
        flag = false;
'  Please use the following namespace
'  Imports System.Windows.Forms;
'  Imports GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

Private flag As Boolean
Public Sub WireTextChangedEvent()
    ' Create an instance of a GcTextBox control.
    Dim gcTextBox1 As New GcTextBox()
    ' Wire the TextChanging event.
    AddHandler gcTextBox1.TextChanged, AddressOf GcTextBox_TextChangedHandler
End Sub

Private Sub GcTextBox_TextChangedHandler(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    Dim gcTextBox1 As GcTextBox = TryCast(sender, GcTextBox)
    Dim val As Long
    ' Check the flag to prevent code re-entry. 
    If flag = False Then
        ' Set the flag to True to prevent re-entry of the code below.
        flag = True
        ' Determine if the text of the control is a number.
            ' Attempt to convert to long
            val = System.Convert.ToInt64(gcTextBox1.Text)
            ' Display a message box and clear the contents if not a number.
            MessageBox.Show("The text is not a valid number. Please re-enter")
            ' Clear the contents of the text box to allow re-entry.
        End Try
        ' Reset the flag so other TextChanged events are processed correctly.
        flag = False
    End If
End Sub

EditBase クラス
EditBase メンバ
Paste メソッド
Copy メソッド
Cut メソッド
Undo メソッド
CanUndo プロパティ



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