PowerTools InputMan for Windows Forms 8.0J
GetZipCode(String,ZipCodeQueryMode) メソッド

都道府県名 + 市区町村名 + 町域名(漢字)を示す System.String 値。
郵便番号検索の対象範囲を示す ZipCodeQueryMode 列挙値の 1 つ。
Public Overloads Function GetZipCode( _
   ByVal address As String, _
   ByVal queryMode As ZipCodeQueryMode _
) As IEnumerable(Of AddressInfo)


都道府県名 + 市区町村名 + 町域名(漢字)を示す System.String 値。
郵便番号検索の対象範囲を示す ZipCodeQueryMode 列挙値の 1 つ。


指定した条件に一致するすべての住所を示す AddressInfo コレクション。
//  Please use the following namespace
//  using System.Windows.Forms;
//  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

public void QueryZipCodeFromAddress()
    // Creates instance of GcAddress component.
    GcAddress gcAddress1 = new GcAddress();

    // The following two methods are used for simply query the general ZipCode Data.
    // Query ZipCode with specified prefecture name, city name and town name
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県", "仙台市泉区", "紫山"));

    // Query ZipCode with full address string.
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県 仙台市泉区 紫山 3-1-4"));

    // The following two methods are used for query data form specified source.
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県", "仙台市泉区", "泉中央", ZipCodeQueryMode.CompanyZipCode));
    // Output will include both address records in general postal data base and the company address data base.
    // "9813133,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,ミヤギケン,センダイシイズミク,イズミチユウオウ"
    // "9813189,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,2丁目1-1,泉区役所,イズミクヤクシヨ,大口事業所,泉"
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県仙台市泉区泉中央二丁目1番地の1", ZipCodeQueryMode.GeneralZipCode));
    // Output:
    // "9813133,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,ミヤギケン,センダイシイズミク,イズミチユウオウ"
'  Please use the following namespace
'  using System.Windows.Forms;
'  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

Public Sub QueryZipCodeFromAddress()
    ' Creates instance of GcAddress component.
    Dim gcAddress1 As New GcAddress()

    ' The following two methods are used for simply query the general ZipCode Data.
    ' Query ZipCode with specified prefecture name, city name and town name
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県", "仙台市泉区", "紫山"))

    ' Query ZipCode with full address string.
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県 仙台市泉区 紫山 3-1-4"))

    ' The following two methods are used for query data form specified source.
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県", "仙台市泉区", "泉中央", ZipCodeQueryMode.CompanyZipCode))
    ' Output will include both address records in general postal data base and the company address data base.
    ' "9813133,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,ミヤギケン,センダイシイズミク,イズミチユウオウ"
    ' "9813189,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,2丁目1-1,泉区役所,イズミクヤクシヨ,大口事業所,泉"
    System.Console.WriteLine(gcAddress1.GetZipCode("宮城県仙台市泉区泉中央二丁目1番地の1", ZipCodeQueryMode.GeneralZipCode))
    ' Output:
    ' "9813133,宮城県,仙台市泉区,泉中央,ミヤギケン,センダイシイズミク,イズミチユウオウ"
End Sub

GcAddress クラス
GcAddress メンバ



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