PowerTools InputMan for Windows Forms 8.0J
AlternateText プロパティ (GcMask)

Public ReadOnly Property AlternateText As MaskAlternateText
public MaskAlternateText AlternateText {get;}


代替テキストを設定した GcMask コントロールを作成するコード例を次に示します。
//  Please use the following namespace
//  using System.Windows.Forms;
//  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;
//  using System.Drawing;

public void SetAlternateTextSettings()
    // Creates an instance of a GcMask control.
    GcMask gcMask1 = new GcMask();
    // Sets the text of the DisplayNull property.
    // The text will displayed when the GcMask control lost focus.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.DisplayNull.Text = "{#}";
    // Sets the ForeColor of the DisplayNull property.
    // The text will displayed with this color.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.DisplayNull.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
    // Sets the text of the Null property.
    // The text will displayed when the GcMask control got focus.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.Null.Text = "Please input postal here";
    // Sets the ForeColor of the Null property.
    // The text will displayed with this color.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.Null.ForeColor = Color.Gray;

    // Set forecolor for all literal fields.
    List<GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField> literalFields = gcMask1.Fields.FindAll<GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField>();
    foreach (GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField field in literalFields)
        field.ForeColor = Color.Red;

'  Please use the following namespace
'  Imports System.Windows.Forms;
'  Imports GrapeCity.Win.Editors;
'  Imports System.Drawing;

Public Sub SetAlternateTextSettings()
    ' Creates an instance of a GcMask control.
    Dim gcMask1 As New GcMask()
    ' Sets the text of the DisplayNull property.
    ' The text will displayed when the GcMask control lost focus.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.DisplayNull.Text = "{#}"
    ' Sets the ForeColor of the DisplayNull property.
    ' The text will displayed with this color.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.DisplayNull.ForeColor = Color.Gray
    ' Sets the text of the Null property.
    ' The text will displayed when the GcMask control got focus.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.Null.Text = "Please input postal here"
    ' Sets the ForeColor of the Null property.
    ' The text will displayed with this color.
    gcMask1.AlternateText.Null.ForeColor = Color.Gray

    ' Set forecolor for all literal fields.
    Dim literalFields As List(Of GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField) = gcMask1.Fields.FindAll(Of GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField)()
    For Each field As GrapeCity.Win.Editors.Fields.MaskLiteralField In literalFields
        field.ForeColor = Color.Red

End Sub

GcMask クラス
GcMask メンバ



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