PowerTools InputMan for Windows Forms 8.0J
DropDown プロパティ (GcTextBox)

ドロップダウンボタンの動作を設定するDropDown オブジェクトを取得または設定します。
Public ReadOnly Property DropDown As DropDown
public DropDown DropDown {get;}


DropDown オブジェクト。

DropDown オブジェクトでは、 ドロップダウンエディットウィンドウの動作設定を行います。

ドロップダウンエディットウィンドウの表示設定および操作は、 DropDownEditor プロパティによって行います。

エディットウィンドウを設定した GcTextBox コントロールを作成するコード例を次に示します。
//  Please use the following namespace
//  using System.Windows.Forms;
//  using GrapeCity.Win.Editors;

public void InitializeDropDown()
    // Create an instance of a GcTextBox control.
    GcTextBox gcTextBox1 = new GcTextBox();

    // Set Enabled and Visible properties to true.
    // Otherwith, the DropDownEditorWindow will not be shown.
    gcTextBox1.Enabled = true;
    gcTextBox1.Visible = true;
    // Set the AutoDropDown property of DropDown to true.
    // The DropDownEditor window will drop-down when the GcTextBox got focus.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.AutoDropDown = true;
    // Set the OpeningAnimation property of DropDown to DropDownAnimation.Slide.
    // The DropDownEditor window will perform slide animation when open.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Slide;
    // Set the ClosingAnimation property of DropDown to DropDownAnimation.Fade.
    // The DropDownEditor window will perform the fade effect when it is closing.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade;
    // Set the ShowShadow property of DropDown to true.
    // A shadow will appear around the DropDownEditor window.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.ShowShadow = true;
'  Please use the following namespace
'  Imports System.Windows.Forms
'  Imports GrapeCity.Win.Editors

Public Sub InitializeDropDown()
    ' Create an instance of a GcTextBox control.
    Dim gcTextBox1 As New GcTextBox()

    ' Set Enabled and Visible properties to true.
    ' Otherwith, the DropDownEditorWindow will not be shown.
    gcTextBox1.Enabled = True
    gcTextBox1.Visible = True
    ' Set the AutoDropDown property of DropDown to true.
    ' The DropDownEditor window will drop-down when the GcTextBox got focus.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.AutoDropDown = True
    ' Set the OpeningAnimation property of DropDown to DropDownAnimation.Slide.
    ' The DropDownEditor window will perform slide animation when open.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.OpeningAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Slide
    ' Set the ClosingAnimation property of DropDown to DropDownAnimation.Fade.
    ' The DropDownEditor window will perform the fade effect when it is closing.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.ClosingAnimation = DropDownAnimation.Fade
    ' Set the ShowShadow property of DropDown to true.
    ' A shadow will appear around the DropDownEditor window.
    gcTextBox1.DropDown.ShowShadow = True
End Sub

GcTextBox クラス
GcTextBox メンバ



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