/* Userdata support in CHMs */ (function () { var currentLocation = document.location + "."; if (currentLocation.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore") == 0) { currentLocation = "ms-its:" + currentLocation.substring(14, currentLocation.length - 1); document.location.replace(currentLocation); } })(); /* End Userdata support in CHMs */ /* Global support functions - required by widgets */ var isDesignTime = false; var isNew = false; var isAnimationDisabled = false; // Return a document element by id function documentElement(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } // Returns the source element of an event function sourceElement(e) { if (window.event) { e = window.event; } return e.srcElement ? e.srcElement : e.target; } // Cancels an event, preventing further bubbling and returning false to cancel default behavior function cancelEvent(e) { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } } // Return Microsoft Internet Explorer (major) version number, or 0 for others. */ function msieversion() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); if (msie > 0) // is Microsoft Internet Explorer; return version number { return parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf(".", msie))); } else { return 0; // is other browser } } // Returns an elements absolute position, allowing for the non-scrolling header function getElementPosition(e) { var offsetLeft = 0; var offsetTop = 0; while (e) { // Allow for the scrolling body region in IE if (msieversion() > 4) { offsetLeft += (e.offsetLeft - e.scrollLeft); offsetTop += (e.offsetTop - e.scrollTop); } else { offsetLeft += e.offsetLeft; offsetTop += e.offsetTop; } e = e.offsetParent; } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1 && typeof document.body.leftMargin != 'undefined') { offsetLeft += document.body.leftMargin; offsetTop += document.body.topMargin; } return { left: offsetLeft, top: offsetTop }; } function findFrame(Name) { var frameObject = parent.frames[Name]; try { if ((!frameObject) && parent.parent) { frameObject = parent.parent.frames[Name]; } } catch (e) { } return frameObject; } // Prevent expand flickering when IE or CHM running in quirks mode (function () { if (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') { // Define overriding method. jQuery.fx.prototype.hide = function () { // Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.style(this.elem, this.prop); this.options.hide = true; // Begin the animation this.custom(this.cur(), 1); } } })(); /* End Global support functions */ /* Clipboard */ function getTextFromContainingTable() { var parentTable = $($(this).parents('table').get(0)); var tableCell = parentTable.find('td').get(0); if (tableCell) { if (tableCell.textContent) { return tableCell.textContent; } else if (tableCell.innerText) { return tableCell.innerText; } else { return $(tableCell).text(); } } } // Wire up any span.CopyCode elements to copy to clipboard function initializeCopyCodeLinks() { // Wire up the copy code functionality if (location.protocol == 'mk:' || $.browser.msie || isDesignTime) { // In CHM or IE use the inbuilt IE clipboard support $('span.CopyCode').click(function () { var textValue = getTextFromContainingTable.call(this); window.clipboardData.setData('Text', textValue); alert("Copied text to clipboard:\n\n " + textValue); }); } else if (location.protocol == "file:") { $('span.CopyCode').click(function () { // Cannot copy to clipboard from local content in browsers other than IE alert("Cannot copy to the clipboard as browser security restrictions prevent copying to the clipboard from local Html content"); }); } else { // Use zero clipboard for other scenarios ZeroClipboard.config({ moviePath: 'script/ZeroClipboard.swf' }); var zeroClipboardClient = new ZeroClipboard($('span.CopyCode')); zeroClipboardClient.on("dataRequested", function (client, args) { client.setText(getTextFromContainingTable.call(this)); }); zeroClipboardClient.on('complete', function (client, args) { var text = args.text; if (text.length > 500) { text = text.substr(0, 500) + "...\n\n(" + (text.length - 500) + " characters not shown)"; } alert("Copied text to clipboard:\n\n " + text); }); } }; /* End Clipboard */ /* Section Toggle */ // Toggle a given section or sections $.fn.toggleSection = function (method) { var result = this.each(function () { var sectionDiv = $(this).next('div.SectionContent'); if (sectionDiv) { var isExpanded = $(this).hasClass('SectionHeadingCollapsed'); if (method == 'immediate' || isAnimationDisabled) { if (sectionDiv.css('display') == 'none') { sectionDiv.show(); } else { sectionDiv.hide(); } } else { sectionDiv.slideToggle('fast'); } $(this).toggleClass('SectionHeadingCollapsed', !isExpanded); if (isExpanded) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('SectionHeadingCollapsed' + $(this).attr('id'), null); } else { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('SectionHeadingCollapsed' + $(this).attr('id'), 'true'); } } }); updateToggleAllSectionsLinkLabel(); return result; } // Load initial state of sections $.fn.loadToggleSectionState = function () { return this.each(function () { var attributeValue = window.getLocalStorage().getAttribute('SectionHeadingCollapsed' + $(this).attr('id')); if (attributeValue == 'true') { $(this).toggleSection('immediate'); } }); } $.fn.loadToggleCheckboxState = function () { return this.each(function () { var attributeValue = window.getLocalStorage().getAttribute('CheckboxIsUnchecked' + $(this).attr('id')); if (attributeValue == 'true') { $(this).prop('checked', false); $(this).toggleCheckbox('immediate'); } }); } $.fn.toggleCheckbox = function (method) { return this.each(function () { var toggleClassName = $(this).attr("data-toggleclass"); if (toggleClassName) { $('.' + toggleClassName).toggleElement(method); } if (!$(this).is(":checked")) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('CheckboxIsUnchecked' + $(this).attr('id'), 'true'); } else { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('CheckboxIsUnchecked' + $(this).attr('id'), null); } }); } $.fn.toggleElement = function (method) { return this.each(function () { if (this.tagName == 'LI' && $(this).parent().hasClass('ui-tabs-nav')) { // If we are hiding a tab, make sure it isn't the selected tab var tabContainer = $($(this).parents(".TabContainer").get(0)); var selectedTab = tabContainer.find('.ui-tabs-selected'); if (selectedTab.is(":hidden") || selectedTab.is(this)) { var firstVisibleTab = tabContainer.find('li:visible:not(.ui-tabs-selected):first'); if (firstVisibleTab) { tabContainer.tabs('select', firstVisibleTab.index()); } } } if ($(this).is(":hidden")) { if ($(this).css("display") == "none") { // Element is currently not visible if (this.tagName == 'TR') { $(this).css("display", "table-row"); } else { $(this).css("display", "block"); } } else { $(this).css("display", "none"); } } else { if (method == 'immediate' || isAnimationDisabled) { $(this).toggle(); } else { $(this).slideToggle('fast'); } } }); } $(function () { $('#ToggleAllSectionsLink').click(function () { var desiredExpanded = !($('.SectionHeading.SectionHeadingCollapsed').length == 0); $('.SectionHeading').each(function () { var isExpanded = !$(this).hasClass('SectionHeadingCollapsed') if (isExpanded != desiredExpanded) { $(this).toggleSection(); } }); }); }); // Show all Drop down sections function showAllDropDownSections() { $('.hs-toggler a:first-child').not('.open').each(function () { $(this).click(); }); HSShowAllCSections(); } // Hide all Drop down sections function hideAllDropDownSections() { $('.hs-toggler a:first-child.open').each(function () { $(this).click(); }); HSHideAllCSections(); } function updateToggleAllSectionsLinkLabel() { var allSectionsExpanded = ($('.SectionHeading.SectionHeadingCollapsed').length == 0); $('#CollapseAllLabel').css('display', allSectionsExpanded ? 'inline' : 'none'); $('#ExpandAllLabel').css('display', allSectionsExpanded ? 'none' : 'inline'); } function setToggleAllSectionsVisibility() { if ($('.SectionHeading').length > 0) { // Sections - show $('#ToggleAllSectionsLink').show(); } else { // No sections - hide $('#ToggleAllSectionsLink').hide(); } } /* End Section Toggle */ /* Local Storage */ // LocalStorageHandler Type definition var LocalStorageHandler = function () { var storageMethod = "native"; var cookieValue = null; var storageElement = null; if (!window.localStorage) { if (location.protocol == "ms-its:") { // Cookies don't work in CHM so we use userdata behavior instead storageMethod = "userdata"; var storageElement = $(""); storageElement.css("behavior", "url(#default#userdata)"); storageElement.appendTo("body"); storageElement = storageElement.get(0); storageElement.load("localStorage"); } else { // If local storage isn't available, fall back to cookie storage storageMethod = "cookie"; cookieValue = $.cookie("localStorage"); if (cookieValue) { cookieData = JSON.parse(cookieValue); } else { cookieData = {}; } } } return { load: function (name) { // local storage automatically saves }, save: function (name) { // local storage automatically saves }, setAttribute: function (key, value) { if (storageMethod == "native") { if (value == null || undefined == value) { window.localStorage.removeItem(key); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(key, value); } } else if (storageMethod == "cookie") { if (value == null) { cookieData[key] = null; } else { cookieData[key] = value + ''; } $.cookie("localStorage", JSON.stringify(cookieData), { expires: 365, path: "/", domain: "" }); } else if (storageMethod == "userdata") { storageElement.setAttribute(key, value + ''); storageElement.save("localStorage"); } }, getAttribute: function (key) { if (storageMethod == "native") { return window.localStorage.getItem(key); } else if (storageMethod == "cookie") { if (cookieData[key] === undefined) { return null; } else { return cookieData[key]; } } else if (storageMethod == "userdata") { return storageElement.getAttribute(key); } } } }; // Get a local storage instance, initializing the first time it is called window.getLocalStorage = function () { if (isDesignTime) { try { if (window.external.IsInnovasysDesigner) { this.localStorageInstance = window.external; } } catch (e) { } } if (!this.localStorageInstance) { this.localStorageInstance = new LocalStorageHandler(); } return this.localStorageInstance; } // Legacy support (community) function save(attributeName, attributeValue) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); } function load(attributeName) { return window.getLocalStorage().getAttribute(attributeName); } /* End Local Storage */ /* Popups */ function configurePopupLink(linkElement) { linkElement = $(linkElement); var content = null; var contentSource = linkElement.attr('data-popupcontentsource'); if (contentSource) { // Get content from a jQuery selector content = $(contentSource); } else { // Content declared inline content = linkElement.attr('data-popupcontent'); var r = /\\u([\d\w]{4})/gi; content = content.replace(r, function (match, group) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(group, 16)); }); content = content.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/\\r/g, '\r'); } var showEvent = linkElement.attr('data-popupshowevent'); if (!showEvent) { // Default show event to click showEvent = 'click'; } var titleText = linkElement.attr('data-popuptitle'); if (!titleText) { // Default title to link caption titleText = linkElement.text(); } var classes = 'ui-tooltip-shadow'; var customClasses = linkElement.attr('data-popupclasses'); if (customClasses) { // Custom coloring or effect class classes = classes + ' ' + customClasses; } var adjustX = 0; if (linkElement.padding().left != 0) { // Adjust the padding of the tip by the same amount as the link element padding adjustX = linkElement.padding().left; } var showOptions = { event: showEvent }; var hideOptions = { delay: 500, fixed: true }; if (isAnimationDisabled) { showOptions.effect = false; hideOptions.effect = false; } linkElement.qtip({ content: { text: content, title: { text: titleText } }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom left', adjust: { x: adjustX }, viewport: $(window) }, show: showOptions, hide: hideOptions, events: { render: function (event, api) { var tooltip = api.elements.tooltip; $(tooltip).find('.ToggleCheckbox').bind('click.toggle', function () { $(this).toggleCheckbox(); }); $(tooltip).find('.ToggleFilterCheckbox').bind('click.toggle', function () { $(this).toggleFilterCheckbox(); }); $(tooltip).find('.ToggleLanguageCheckbox').bind('click.toggle', function () { $(this).toggleLanguageCheckbox(); }); } }, style: { classes: classes } }); }; /* End Popups */ /* Design time configuration */ $(function () { if (isDesignTime) { $('
', { id: 'hsDesignTimeLoad', click: function (e) { var scrollPosition = window.getLocalStorage().getAttribute('scrollPosition'); if (scrollPosition) { $(window).scrollTop(scrollPosition); } } }).appendTo('body').css('display: none'); $('
', { id: 'hsDesignTimeSave', click: function (e) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('scrollPosition', $(window).scrollTop()); } }).appendTo('body').css('display: none'); $('
', { id: 'DesignTimeNewContentNotify', click: function (e) { } }).appendTo('body').css('display: none'); isAnimationDisabled = true; } }); /* End Design time configuration */ function tocDocument() { try { return findFrame("webnavbar").document.getElementById("cntNavtoc"); } catch (e) { } } /* End Synchronize the web Table of Contents */ /* Common Messaging Support */ function isPostMessageEnabled() { return (window['postMessage'] != null); } function addMessageListener(receiver) { if (isPostMessageEnabled()) { if (window['addEventListener']) { window.addEventListener("message", receiver, false); } else { window.attachEvent("onmessage", receiver); } } } function Message(messageType, messageData) { this.messageType = messageType; this.messageData = messageData; } function getMessage(data) { var separator = data.indexOf("|"); var messageType; var messageData; if (separator != -1) { messageType = data.substring(0, separator); messageData = data.substring(separator + 1); } else { messageType = data; messageData = ""; } return new Message(messageType, messageData); } /* Message Handler */ function receiveMessage(event) { var message = null; try { message = getMessage(event.data); } catch (ex) { // Catch exceptions that can fire at design time } if (message) { switch (message.messageType) { case "print": printDocument(); break; case "addtofavorites": addToFavorites(); break; case "quicksearch": highlightText(document, message.messageData, "black", "yellow", true); break; case "resetquicksearch": removeAllHighlights(document); break; case "refresh": document.location.reload(); break; } } } /* Print */ function printDocument() { window.print(); } /* Add to favorites */ function addToFavorites() { var nav = findFrame("webnavbar"); nav.postMessage("addtofavorites|" + location + "|" + document.title, "*"); } /* Highlight text in a document */ function highlightText(targetDocument, text, color, backColor, clearBefore) { if (clearBefore) { firstMatch = null; removeAllHighlights(targetDocument); } if (text != "") { HighlightTextInElement(targetDocument, targetDocument.body, text, color, backColor, firstMatch); // Scroll to the first hit if it's not already visible if (firstMatch && clearBefore) { if (getElementPosition(firstMatch).top > targetDocument.documentElement.scrollTop + targetDocument.documentElement.clientHeight || getElementPosition(firstMatch).top < targetDocument.documentElement.scrollTop) { targetDocument.documentElement.scrollTop = firstMatch.offsetTop; } } } } /* Highlight text in a specific element */ function HighlightTextInElement(targetDocument, element, text, color, backColor) { var lowerCaseText = text.toLowerCase(); var node = null; var nodeText = null; var lowerCaseNodeText = null; var highlightSpan = null; var remainingText = null; var textNode = null; var selection = null; // Traverse the document backwards otherwise the DOM returns stale objects as // we make modifications for (var x = element.childNodes.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { node = element.childNodes[x]; // Text Node if (node.nodeType == 3) { nodeText = node.nodeValue; lowerCaseNodeText = nodeText.toLowerCase(); for (pos = lowerCaseNodeText.indexOf(lowerCaseText); pos >= 0; pos = lowerCaseNodeText.indexOf(lowerCaseText)) { // Create a span to mark up the highlight highlightSpan = targetDocument.createElement("SPAN"); highlightSpan.style.backgroundColor = backColor; highlightSpan.style.color = color; highlightSpan.className = "InnovasysSearchHighlight"; highlightSpan.appendChild(targetDocument.createTextNode(nodeText.substring(pos, pos + text.length))); // Insert the span containing the term remainingText = targetDocument.createTextNode(nodeText.substring(pos + text.length, nodeText.length)); node.nodeValue = nodeText.substring(0, pos); highlightSpan = node.parentNode.insertBefore(highlightSpan, node.nextSibling); remainingText = node.parentNode.insertBefore(remainingText, highlightSpan.nextSibling); // Store the first (last)hit so we can scroll to it firstMatch = highlightSpan; // Skip past the new nodes we've added node = node.nextSibling.nextSibling; nodeText = node.nodeValue; lowerCaseNodeText = nodeText.toLowerCase(); } } // Element node else if (node.nodeType == 1) { // To ensure we don't modify script or go over // highlights we have already applied if (node.nodeName != "SCRIPT" && !(node.nodeName == "SPAN" && node.className == "InnovasysSearchHighlight")) { HighlightTextInElement(targetDocument, node, text, color, backColor); } } } } /* Returns all highlight SPAN elements for a document */ function getHighlightSpans(targetDocument) { var spans = targetDocument.getElementsByTagName("SPAN"); var highlightSpans = new Array(); var span = null; var highlightSpanCount = 0; for (x = spans.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { span = spans[x]; if (span.className == "InnovasysSearchHighlight") { highlightSpans[highlightSpanCount] = span; highlightSpanCount++; } } return highlightSpans; } /* Merges any adjacent text node.s The IE DOM in particular has a habit of splitting up text nodes, and also after highlighting and removing split adjacent nodes can be left */ function cleanUpTextNodes(parentNode) { var node = null; var lastNode = null; var mergeCount = null; do { mergeCount = 0; for (var x = 1; x < parentNode.childNodes.length; x++) { node = parentNode.childNodes[x]; lastNode = node.previousSibling; if (node.nodeType == 3 && lastNode.nodeType == 3) { node.nodeValue = lastNode.nodeValue + node.nodeValue; parentNode.removeChild(lastNode); mergeCount++; } } } while (mergeCount > 0) for (var x = 0; x < parentNode.childNodes.length; x++) { cleanUpTextNodes(parentNode.childNodes[x]); } } /* Removes any previously added highlight SPANs from the document */ function removeAllHighlights(targetDocument) { var spans = getHighlightSpans(targetDocument); var text = null; for (x = spans.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) { span = spans[x]; text = targetDocument.createTextNode(span.innerHTML); span.parentNode.replaceChild(text, span); } // This process may have resulted in multiple contiguous text nodes // which could cause problems with subsequent search highlight operations // So we join any continguous text nodes here cleanUpTextNodes(targetDocument.body); } /* End Common Messaging Support */ /* Microsoft Help Viewer Compatibility */ function removeExternalFile(filename, filetype) { var targetTagName = (filetype == "js") ? "script" : (filetype == "css") ? "link" : "none" var targetAttribute = (filetype == "js") ? "src" : (filetype == "css") ? "href" : "none" $(targetTagName).each(function (index) { if ($(this).attr(targetAttribute).match(filename)) this.parentNode.removeChild(this); }); } function isMshv() { return (location.protocol == 'ms-xhelp:' || location.href.indexOf('ms.help?') != -1 || location.href.indexOf('?method=page&') != -1); } function isMshv2() { var script = $('#mshs_support_script').get(0); var scriptSrc = script.src; return (scriptSrc.indexOf("method=asset") != -1) } /* Gets the MSHS base url for resources */ function mshvResourceBaseUrl() { if (isDesignTime) { return ''; } else { // Get the first script tag var script = $('#mshs_support_script').get(0); // Extract the src which is a full resource url to within our origin .mshc var scriptSrc = script.src; var scriptUrl = null; if (isMshv2()) { // HV 2 var startIndex = scriptSrc.indexOf('&id='); scriptUrl = scriptSrc.substring(0, startIndex); startIndex = scriptSrc.indexOf('&', startIndex + 1); scriptUrl = scriptUrl + scriptSrc.substring(startIndex) + "&id="; } else { // HV 1 // Get the portion up to the ; (the base url for resource references) var startIndex = scriptSrc.indexOf(';') + 1; scriptUrl = scriptSrc.substring(0, startIndex); } return scriptUrl; } } if (isMshv()) { removeExternalFile(/branding.*\.css/g, "css"); if (!isMshv2()) { // MSHV v1 flickers badly as the content is loaded and reparented, so // we hide the main content div until the page finishes initializing document.write(''); } } /* Microsoft Help Viewer Compatibility */ var mshvPendingStylesheets = new Array(); var mshvPendingStylesheetTimer = null; function mshvFixUrls() { // Fix Javascript rules using urls var stylesheets = document.styleSheets; if (stylesheets && stylesheets.length > 0) { // Waiting on any stylesheets to load? if (mshvPendingStylesheets.length != 0) { for (var pendingStylesheetIndex = 0; pendingStylesheetIndex < mshvPendingStylesheets.length; pendingStylesheetIndex++) { var pendingStylesheetHref = mshvPendingStylesheets[pendingStylesheetIndex]; var foundStylesheet = false; for (var stylesheetindex = 0; stylesheetindex < (stylesheets.length) ; stylesheetindex++) { var stylesheet = stylesheets[stylesheetindex]; if (stylesheet.href != null && stylesheet.href == pendingStylesheetHref) { // Found the pending stylesheet - check that the rules have loaded var rules = null; try { if (stylesheet.rules) { rules = stylesheet.rules; } else { rules = stylesheet.cssRules; } } catch (ex) { }; if (rules != null && rules.length > 0) { foundStylesheet = true; } break; } } if (!foundStylesheet) { // Could not locate the stylesheet, try again in a bit if (mshvPendingStylesheetTimer == null) { mshvPendingStylesheetTimer = window.setInterval(mshvFixUrls, 50); } return; } } if (mshvPendingStylesheetTimer != null) { clearInterval(mshvPendingStylesheetTimer); mshvPendingStylesheetTimer = null; } } for (var stylesheetindex = 0; stylesheetindex < (stylesheets.length) ; stylesheetindex++) { var stylesheet = stylesheets[stylesheetindex]; var rules; try { if (stylesheet.rules) { rules = stylesheet.rules; } else { rules = stylesheet.cssRules; } } catch (ex) { }; if (rules) { for (var ruleindex = 0; ruleindex < rules.length; ruleindex++) { var rule = rules[ruleindex]; if (rule.style.backgroundImage) { if (rule.style.backgroundImage.substring(0, 4) == 'url(') { var backgroundText = rule.style.backgroundImage; var originalUrl = null; if (rule.style.backgroundImage.indexOf('') != -1) { // Chrome - rule returned as full url originalUrl = backgroundText.substring(backgroundText.indexOf('/', backgroundText.indexOf('')) + 5, backgroundText.lastIndexOf(')')); } else if (backgroundText.indexOf('../') != -1) { // IE - rule returned as original, with a .. prefix originalUrl = backgroundText.substring(backgroundText.indexOf('../') + 2, backgroundText.lastIndexOf(')')); } else { // Relative url originalUrl = backgroundText.substring(0, backgroundText.lastIndexOf(')')); } originalUrl = originalUrl.replace("\"", ""); var newUrl = 'url(\"' + mshvResourceBaseUrl() + originalUrl + '\")'; backgroundText = newUrl + backgroundText.substring(backgroundText.indexOf(')') + 1); rule.style.backgroundImage = backgroundText; } } } } } } } /* Common Page Initialization */ function initializePageContent() { // Microsoft Help Viewer (Visual Studio 2012) patches if (isMshv() && isMshv2()) { $('body').hide(); // Standard url() references in stylesheets don't work in MSHV 2 so we have to reference // an additional stylesheet with alternate syntax $('link').each(function () { var mshvStylesheet = $(this).attr('data-mshv2-stylesheet'); if (mshvStylesheet) { var newStylesheetHref = 'ms-xhelp:///?;' + mshvStylesheet; mshvPendingStylesheets.push(newStylesheetHref); $('head').append(''); } }); // Fix any id links to work around bug in VS 2012 RC Help Viewer $('a').each(function () { var href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href && href.indexOf('ms-xhelp:///?id=') != -1) { $(this).attr('href', href.replace('ms-xhelp:///?id=', 'ms-xhelp:///?method=page&id=')); } }); } // Microsoft Help Viewer 1 (Visual Studio 2010) patches if (isMshv() && !isMshv2()) { // Standard url() references in stylesheets don't work in MSHV 2 so we have to reference // an additional stylesheet with alternate syntax for those references to work in MSHV 1 $('link').each(function () { var mshvStylesheet = $(this).attr('data-mshv1-stylesheet'); if (mshvStylesheet) { var newStylesheetHref = mshvResourceBaseUrl() + mshvStylesheet; mshvPendingStylesheets.push(newStylesheetHref); $('head').append(''); } }); } // Mark as new if (isNew) { $('body').addClass('IsNew'); } // Wire up toggle sections $('.SectionHeading').loadToggleSectionState().click(function () { $(this).toggleSection(); }); setToggleAllSectionsVisibility(); // Configure any popup links $('.PopupLink').each(function () { configurePopupLink(this); }); var selectedTabIndex = window.getLocalStorage().getAttribute('TabContainerSelectedTabIndex'); if (!selectedTabIndex) { selectedTabIndex = 0; } // Change default duration on the tabs if (!isDesignTime) { $('.TabContainer').tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 'fast' }, selected: selectedTabIndex, select: function (event, ui) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('TabContainerSelectedTabIndex', ui.index); } }); } else { $('.TabContainer').tabs({ selected: selectedTabIndex, select: function (event, ui) { window.getLocalStorage().setAttribute('TabContainerSelectedTabIndex', ui.index); } }); } // Wire up the copy code functionality initializeCopyCodeLinks(); // If running in a frame, set up a message listener and let // the parent frame know we have loaded if (parent) { /* Running in a frame - listen for commands */ if (isPostMessageEnabled()) { addMessageListener(receiveMessage); parent.postMessage("loaded|" + location.href, "*"); parent.postMessage("updatePageTitle|" + document.title, "*"); } else { parent.loaded = true; } } // Fix quirks mode rendering issues if (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') { var ContentSections = $('.SectionContent,.DescriptionContent,.ReturnsContent,.DescriptionCell,td.hs-box-content,td.hs-box-content span#Content') ContentSections.each(function (index) { $(this).children().first().addClass('FirstChild'); $(this).children().last().addClass('LastChild'); }); $('table.SyntaxTable th:first-child').addClass('FirstChild'); $('table.SyntaxTable th:last-child').addClass('LastChild'); $('p+p').addClass('AdjacentParagraph'); $('h4+.ReturnsContent').addClass('ReturnsContentAfterHeading'); $('exampleSectionContent p+div').addClass('ExampleAfterParagraph'); } else if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) <= 8) { $('table.SyntaxTable th:last-child').addClass('LastChild'); var ContentSections = $('.SectionContent,.DescriptionContent,.ReturnsContent,.DescriptionCell,td.hs-box-content,td.hs-box-content span#Content') ContentSections.each(function (index) { $(this).children().last().addClass('LastChild'); }); } // If running in Microsoft Help Viewer, execute some workarounds if (isMshv()) { if (!isMshv2()) { // Fix double line breaks $('BR').filter(function () { return $(this).next().is('BR') }).remove(); // Fix bookmark links $('A').each(function () { // Check for bookmark links - currently prefixed with the full page url var anchorHref = $(this).attr('href'); if (anchorHref && anchorHref.indexOf('#') != -1) { var bookmark = anchorHref.substring(anchorHref.indexOf('#')); if (anchorHref.substring(0, anchorHref.indexOf('#')) == location.href) { // Bookmark in this document anchor.attr('target', '_self'); 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No reproduction or usage // allowed other than in documentation generated by licensed Innovasys products function resolveHelp2Keyword(Keyword, OnlineKeyword) { var URL = ""; try { // Try the current namespace URL = findHelp2Keyword(getCurrentHelp2Namespace(), Keyword); if (URL == "") { // Try the likely namespaces first, most recent first URL = findHelp2Keyword("MS.VSCC.v80", Keyword); if (URL == "") { URL = findHelp2Keyword("MS.VSCC.2003", Keyword); if (URL == "") { URL = findHelp2Keyword("MS.VSCC", Keyword); } } } // URL found in one of the known VSCC namespaces if (URL != "") { return URL; } // For future proofing, try other VSCC namespaces else { var RegistryWalker = new ActiveXObject("HxDs.HxRegistryWalker"); var Namespaces = RegistryWalker.RegisteredNamespaceList("MS.VSCC"); var Namespace, NamespaceName, Session, Topics, Topic; if (Namespaces.Count > 0) { for (n = 1; n <= Namespaces.Count; n++) { Namespace = Namespaces.Item(n); NamespaceName = Namespace.Name; if (NamespaceName.substring(0, 7) == "MS.VSCC") { switch (NamespaceName) { case "MS.VSCC.v80": break; case "MS.VSCC.2003": break; case "MS.VSCC": break; default: URL = findHelp2Keyword(NamespaceName); if (URL != "") { return Topics(1).URL; } } } } } } } catch (e) { } // No match found in any applicable namespace // Msdn doesn't support links to individual overloads, only to the master page // so we trim off the brackets when directing to Msdn var BracketPosition = OnlineKeyword.indexOf("("); if (BracketPosition != -1) { OnlineKeyword = OnlineKeyword.substring(0, BracketPosition); } return "http://msdn.microsoft.com/query/dev10.query?appId=Dev10IDEF1&l=EN-US&k=k(" + OnlineKeyword + ")&rd=true" } function findHelp2Keyword(NamespaceName, Keyword) { var Session, Topics; if (NamespaceName.length > 0) { try { Session = new ActiveXObject("HxDs.HxSession"); Session.Initialize("ms-help://" + NamespaceName, 0); Topics = Session.Query(Keyword, "!DefaultAssociativeIndex", 0, ""); if (Topics.Count > 0) { return Topics(1).URL; } } catch (e) { } } return ""; } function navigateToHelp2Keyword(Keyword, OnlineKeyword, ReplacePage) { window.status = "Resolving link. Please wait a moment..."; var URL = resolveHelp2Keyword(Keyword, OnlineKeyword); window.status = ""; if (URL.substring(0, 25) === "http://msdn.microsoft.com" && window.parent != null) { // MSDN no longer support hosting in an IFRAME so open in new browser window window.open(URL, "_blank"); } else if (ReplacePage == true) { location.replace(URL); } else { location.href = URL; } } function getCurrentHelp2Namespace() { var namespace = ""; var location = window.location; if (location.protocol == "ms-help:") { namespace = location.hostname; if (namespace.substring(0, 2) == "//") namespace = namespace.substring(2); } return namespace; } /* End .NET Framework Help Topic Resolution */ /* Initialize Page */ $(function () { // Move VB and VBUsage to a common Syntax-VB div $('
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