フォーマッタ | 構文 | 例 |
標準のセル書式 | 標準のセル書式 |
"#,##0_);(#,##0)" "h:mm AM/PM" |
数式の書式文字列 | 標準の数式 |
"=SUM(@, C1)" "=AVERAGE(C4:C7)" |
テキストテンプレートの書式文字列 | {{" "}}に数式が含まれるテキスト文字列 |
"After {{=@}} approval, Total Sales Were: {{=SUM(Sales4)}}" “Hello, @” |
style.formatter = '=SUM(@, A1:A2)';
テキストテンプレートは、ダッシュボードを作成するやデータを要約する場合に役立ちます。テキストテンプレートを使用すると、テキストと数式を1つのセルに結合し、{{" and "}}内で指定して数式を文字列にを折り返すことができます。
style.formatter = "On {{=TEXT(TODAY(),"DDDD")}}, Total Sales Were: ${{=SUM(A1:A5)}}.";
JavaScript |
// スプレッドシートを初期化します。 var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 1 }); // 数値を単語に変換します。 var sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0); sheet1.name('Number to Words'); spread.addCustomName('n_1', '{"";" One";" Two";" Three";" Four";" Five";" Six";" Seven";" Eight";" Nine";" Ten";" Eleven";" Twelve";" Thirteen";" Fourteen";" Fifteen";" Sixteen";" Seventeen";" Eighteen";" Nineteen"}'); spread.addCustomName('n_2', '{"";0;" Twenty";" Thirty";" Forty";" Fifty";" Sixty";" Seventy";" Eighty";" Ninety"}'); spread.addCustomName('n_3', '{"";"-One";"-Two";"-Three";"-Four";"-Five";"-Six";"-Seven";"-Eight";"-Nine"}'); var numberToWordsStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); numberToWordsStyle.formatter = '=TRIM(REPT(INDEX(n_1,1+INT(@/10^8))&" hundred",10^8<@)&IF(@-TRUNC(@,-8)<2*10^7,INDEX(n_1,1+MID(TEXT(@,"000000000"),2,2)),INDEX(n_2,1+MID(TEXT(@,"000000000"),2,2)/10)&INDEX(n_3,1+RIGHT(INT(@/10^6))))&REPT(" million",10^6<@)&IF(--RIGHT(INT(@/10^5)),INDEX(n_1,1+RIGHT(INT(@/10^5)))&" hundred","")&IF(@-TRUNC(@,-5)<2*10^4,INDEX(n_1,1+MID(TEXT(@,"000000000"),5,2)),INDEX(n_2,1+MID(TEXT(@,"000000000"),5,2)/10)&INDEX(n_3,1+RIGHT(INT(@/10^3))))&IF(--MID(TEXT(@,"000000000"),4,3)," thousand","")&IF(--RIGHT(INT(@/100)),INDEX(n_1,1+RIGHT(INT(@/100)))&" hundred","")&IF(MOD(@,100)<20,INDEX(n_1,1+RIGHT(@,2)),INDEX(n_2,1+RIGHT(@,2)/10)&INDEX(n_3,1+RIGHT(@))))'; numberToWordsStyle.name = 'NumberToWords'; numberToWordsStyle.backColor = "lightblue"; spread.addNamedStyle(numberToWordsStyle); sheet1.setColumnWidth(1, 700); sheet1.setStyleName(1, 1, 'NumberToWords'); sheet1.getCell(1, 1).value(765348921).hAlign(GC.Spread.Sheets.HorizontalAlign.center); sheet1.setColumnWidth(1, 700); |
USD、CNY、JPY、およびEUROの通貨値をドロップダウン リストから選択することで、月次売上高をそれぞれの通貨で表示します。為替レートに基づいて、収益が毎月更新されます。また、為替レートが更新されるたびに、収益は動的に更新されます。
JavaScript |
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 1 }); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { var gcns = GC.Spread.Sheets; spread.suspendPaint(); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var data = [ [, "FY 2019"], [, "Sales"], [, "Monthly", "Cumulative"], ["Apr", 188897, 188897], ["May", 208146, 397043], ["Jun", 226196, 623239], ["Jul", 277318, 900557], ["Aug", 263273, 1163830], ["Sep", 259845, 1423675], ["Oct", 241047, 1664722], ["Nov", 256306, 1921028], ["Dec", 195845, 2116873], ["Jan", 204934, 2321808], ["Feb", 257852, 2579660], ["Mar", 227779, 2807439] ]; sheet.setArray(3, 1, data); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 110); sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 110); sheet.setRowCount(20); sheet.setColumnCount(9); sheet.options.gridline.showHorizontalGridline = false; sheet.options.gridline.showVerticalGridline = false; sheet.getRange(3, 1, 15, 3).setBorder( new gcns.LineBorder("black", gcns.LineStyle.medium), { all: true }); sheet.addSpan(3, 2, 1, 2); sheet.addSpan(4, 2, 1, 2); sheet.getRange(3, 2, 3, 2).backColor('#CFE1F3').hAlign(gcns.HorizontalAlign.center); sheet.getRange(6, 1, 12, 1).backColor('#CCC1DA'); var cMapSource = [ { "Currency": "USD", "Value": 1, "Symbol": "$" }, { "Currency": "CNY", "Value": 7.02, "Symbol": "\" }, { "Currency": "JPY", "Value": 108.8, "Symbol": "\" }, { "Currency": "EURO", "Value": 0.91, "Symbol": "?" }, ]; sheet.tables.addFromDataSource('cT', 3, 5, cMapSource); [5, 6, 7].forEach((col) => { sheet.setColumnWidth(col, 80); }); sheet.getCell(1, 2).value("Unit:").hAlign(gcns.HorizontalAlign.right); sheet.getRange(1, 3, 1, 1).backColor("yellow").setBorder( new gcns.LineBorder("blue", gcns.LineStyle.medium), { all: true }); var dv1 = gcns.DataValidation.createFormulaListValidator('=cT[[#Data], [Currency]]'); sheet.setDataValidator(1, 3, dv1); sheet.getCell(1, 3).hAlign(gcns.HorizontalAlign.center).value("USD"); sheet.getRange(6, 2, 12, 2) .hAlign(gcns.HorizontalAlign.center) .formatter('=VLOOKUP($D$2,cT[#Data],3,FALSE)&" "&TEXT(@*VLOOKUP($D$2,cT[#Data],2,FALSE),"###,###")'); spread.resumePaint(); |
現在のKPIを示すためにゲージを表示します。カスタマイズされた関数は、スタイルのフォーマッタに設定されるゲージKPIスパークラインを表します。radiusRatio、targetValue、label marginBottomなどのさまざまなパラメータを変更して、ゲージKPIスパークラインの動的な変化を確認できます。
JavaScript |
<script> var GuageKPIType = { circle: 0, verticalBar: 1, horizontalBar: 2 }; function getFontHeight(font) { var htmlSpan = document.createElement('span'); htmlSpan.style.font = font; htmlSpan.innerHTML = 'H'; var fontHeight = htmlSpan.offsetHeight; return fontHeight; } function GaugeKPISparkline() { GC.Spread.Sheets.Sparklines.SparklineEx.call(this); this.CIRCLE_CENTER_RADIUS = 6; this.TARGET_VALUE_INCREMENT = 3; this.CURRENT_VALUE_INCREMENT = 5; this.CURRENT_VALUE_LINE_WIDTH = 4; this.DASH_LINE_SOLID_LENGTH = 2; this.DASH_LINE_EMPTY_LENGTH = 4; this.TEXT_MARGIN = 10; this.PAINT_PADDING = 6; } GaugeKPISparkline.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Sparklines.SparklineEx(); GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.createFunction = function () { var functionDescription = { description: 'この関数は、ゲージKPIスパークラインを表すために使用されるデータセットを返します。', parameters: [ { name: 'gaugeType' }, { name: 'targetValue' }, { name: 'targetValueFont' }, { name: 'currentValue' }, { name: 'currentValueFont' }, { name: 'minValue' }, { name: 'minValueFont' }, { name: 'maxValue' }, { name: 'maxValueFont' }, { name: 'minAngle' }, { name: 'maxAngle' }, { name: 'radiusRatio' }, { name: 'marginBottom' }, { name: 'colorRange' }, { name: '...' } ] }; var func = new GC.Spread.CalcEngine.Functions.Function("GAUGEKPISPARKLINE", 5, 15, functionDescription); func.evaluate = function (args) { var retValue = { gaugeType: args[0], targetValue: args[1], targetValueFont: args[2], currentValue: args[3], currentValueFont: args[4], minValue: args[5], minValueFont: args[6], maxValue: args[7], maxValueFont: args[8], minAngle: args[9], maxAngle: args[10], radiusRatio: args[11], marginBottom: args[12] }; var ranges = [], argsLength = args.length, tempArray; for (var index = 13; index < argsLength; index++) { var rangeValue = args[index]; if (rangeValue instanceof GC.Spread.CalcEngine.CalcArray) { tempArray = rangeValue.array[0]; ranges.push({ start: tempArray[0], end: tempArray[1], color: tempArray[2] }); } } retValue.ranges = ranges; return retValue; }; func.acceptsArray = function (argIndex) { return argIndex >= 9 || argIndex >= 1 && argIndex <= 4; }; return func; }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.paint = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height, options) { if (!value) { return; } if (value.gaugeType === GuageKPIType.circle) { ctx.save(); ctx.rect(x, y, width, height); ctx.clip(); this.paintCircle(ctx, value, x, y, width, height, options); ctx.restore(); } }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.getCircleData = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height, options) { var zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor; var currentValueHeight = getFontHeight(value.currentValueFont) * zoomFactor, targetValueHeight = getFontHeight(value.targetValueFont) * zoomFactor; var PAINT_PADDING = this.PAINT_PADDING, TEXT_MARGIN = this.TEXT_MARGIN; var minAngle = value.minAngle, maxAngle = value.maxAngle; var minValueWidth = Math.ceil(ctx.measureText(value.minValue).width), maxValueWidth = Math.ceil(ctx.measureText(value.maxValue).width); var textWidth = Math.max(minValueWidth, maxValueWidth); var xOuterRadius = Math.floor(width / 2 - PAINT_PADDING - TEXT_MARGIN - textWidth); var graphHeight = Math.floor(height - PAINT_PADDING * 2 - TEXT_MARGIN * 2 - currentValueHeight - targetValueHeight), moreThanSemiCircle = Math.abs(minAngle) > 90 || Math.abs(maxAngle) > 90; var yOuterRadius = moreThanSemiCircle ? graphHeight / 2 : graphHeight; var outerRadius = Math.min(xOuterRadius, yOuterRadius); var retValue = { x: x + PAINT_PADDING + textWidth + TEXT_MARGIN + outerRadius, y: y + PAINT_PADDING + targetValueHeight + TEXT_MARGIN + outerRadius, outerRadius: outerRadius, innerRadius: outerRadius * value.radiusRatio }; retValue.currentValuePoint = { x: retValue.x, y: moreThanSemiCircle ? (retValue.y + outerRadius + TEXT_MARGIN + currentValueHeight) : (retValue.y + TEXT_MARGIN + currentValueHeight) }; return retValue; }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.getPaintData = function (value) { var minRadian = (value.minAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180, maxRadian = (value.maxAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180; var minValue = value.minValue, maxValue = value.maxValue; var colorRanges = value.ranges, fillColor = 'lightgrey'; var valuePerRadian = (maxRadian - minRadian) / (maxValue - minValue); var paintRanges = []; if (colorRanges.length > 0) { colorRanges.forEach(function (colorRange) { paintRanges.push({ start: valuePerRadian * (colorRange.start - minValue) + minRadian, end: valuePerRadian * (colorRange.end - minValue) + minRadian, color: colorRange.color }); }); paintRanges.unshift({ start: minRadian, end: paintRanges[0].start, color: fillColor }); paintRanges.push({ start: paintRanges[paintRanges.length - 1].end, end: maxRadian, color: fillColor }); } else { paintRanges.push({ start: minRadian, end: maxRadian, color: fillColor }); } return { paintRanges: paintRanges, fillColor: fillColor, targetValueRadian: valuePerRadian * (value.targetValue - minValue) + minRadian, currentValueRadian: valuePerRadian * (value.currentValue - minValue) + minRadian, minValueRadian: minRadian, maxValueRadian: maxRadian }; }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.getPointOnCircle = function (x, y, radian, radius) { return { x: x + Math.cos(radian) * radius, y: y + Math.sin(radian) * radius }; }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.getCircleValuePaintInfo = function (circleCenterPoint, targetValuePoint, targetValueWidth) { var TEXT_MARGIN = this.TEXT_MARGIN; // 文字の高さを設定します。 if (targetValuePoint.x > circleCenterPoint.x) { return { x: targetValuePoint.x + TEXT_MARGIN, y: targetValuePoint.y, textAlign: 'left' }; } if (targetValuePoint.x < circleCenterPoint.x) { return { x: targetValuePoint.x - TEXT_MARGIN, y: targetValuePoint.y, textAlign: 'right' }; } if (targetValuePoint.x === circleCenterPoint.x) { if (targetValuePoint.y > circleCenterPoint.y) { return { x: targetValuePoint.x, y: targetValuePoint.y + TEXT_MARGIN, textAlign: 'center' }; } return { x: targetValuePoint.x, y: targetValuePoint.y - TEXT_MARGIN, textAlign: 'center' }; } return { x: targetValuePoint.x, y: targetValuePoint.y, textAlign: 'left' }; }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.paintCircle = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height, options) { var zoomFactor = options.zoomFactor; var circleData = this.getCircleData(ctx, value, x, y, width, height, options); var innerRadius = circleData.innerRadius, outerRadius = circleData.outerRadius; if (outerRadius <= 0) { return; } var currentValuePoint = circleData.currentValuePoint; var circleCenter = { x: circleData.x, y: circleData.y }; var paintData = this.getPaintData(value), paintRanges = paintData.paintRanges, fillColor = paintData.fillColor; ctx.save(); // <editor-folder desc="paint circles"> paintRanges.forEach(function (paintRange) { // 外側の円を描きます。 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y); ctx.fillStyle = paintRange.color || fillColor; ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.arc(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, outerRadius, paintRange.start, paintRange.end, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // 内側の円を描きます。 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y); ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.arc(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, innerRadius, paintRange.start, paintRange.end, false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); }); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint circle center"> ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y); ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.arc(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, this.CIRCLE_CENTER_RADIUS, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fill(); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint line"> // <editor-folder desc="paint target value line"> var targetValueInnerPointOnCircle = this.getPointOnCircle(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, paintData.targetValueRadian, innerRadius); var targetValueOuterPointOnCircle = this.getPointOnCircle(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, paintData.targetValueRadian, outerRadius + this.TARGET_VALUE_INCREMENT); ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.setLineDash([this.DASH_LINE_SOLID_LENGTH, this.DASH_LINE_EMPTY_LENGTH]); ctx.moveTo(targetValueInnerPointOnCircle.x, targetValueInnerPointOnCircle.y); ctx.strokeStyle = 'grey'; ctx.lineTo(targetValueOuterPointOnCircle.x, targetValueOuterPointOnCircle.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint current value line"> var currentValuePointOnCircle = this.getPointOnCircle(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, paintData.currentValueRadian, outerRadius + this.CURRENT_VALUE_INCREMENT); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; ctx.lineWidth = this.CURRENT_VALUE_LINE_WIDTH; ctx.moveTo(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y); ctx.lineTo(currentValuePointOnCircle.x, currentValuePointOnCircle.y); ctx.stroke(); // </editor-folder> // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint value"> ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = "start"; ctx.fillStyle = 'grey'; var minValueHeight = getFontHeight(value.minValueFont) * zoomFactor, maxValueHeight = getFontHeight(value.maxValueFont) * zoomFactor; var minMaxValueHeight = Math.floor(Math.max(minValueHeight, maxValueHeight)); // <editor-folder desc="paint min value"> var minValueFont = value.minValueFont || '10px Calibri'; ctx.font = minValueFont; var minValue = value.minValue + ''; var minValueWidth = ctx.measureText(minValue).width; var minValuePointOnCircle = this.getPointOnCircle(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, paintData.minValueRadian, outerRadius); var minValueInfo = this.getCircleValuePaintInfo(circleCenter, minValuePointOnCircle, minValueWidth); ctx.textAlign = minValueInfo.textAlign; ctx.fillText(minValue, minValueInfo.x, minValueInfo.y + minMaxValueHeight / 2); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint max value"> var maxValueFont = value.maxValueFont || '30px Calibri'; ctx.font = maxValueFont; var maxValue = value.maxValue + ''; var maxValueWidth = ctx.measureText(maxValue).width; var maxValuePointOnCircle = this.getPointOnCircle(circleCenter.x, circleCenter.y, paintData.maxValueRadian, outerRadius); var maxValueInfo = this.getCircleValuePaintInfo(circleCenter, maxValuePointOnCircle, maxValueWidth); ctx.textAlign = maxValueInfo.textAlign; ctx.fillText(maxValue, maxValueInfo.x, maxValueInfo.y + minMaxValueHeight / 2); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint target value"> var targetValueFont = value.targetValueFont || '16.667px Calibri'; ctx.font = targetValueFont; var targetValue = value.targetValue + ''; var targetValueWidth = ctx.measureText(targetValue).width; var targetValueInfo = this.getCircleValuePaintInfo(circleCenter, targetValueOuterPointOnCircle, targetValueWidth); ctx.textAlign = targetValueInfo.textAlign; ctx.fillText(targetValue, targetValueInfo.x, targetValueInfo.y); ctx.restore(); // </editor-folder> // <editor-folder desc="paint current value"> ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); var currentValueFont = value.currentValueFont || "25px Calibri"; ctx.font = currentValueFont; var currentValue = value.currentValue + ''; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillText(currentValue, currentValuePoint.x, currentValuePoint.y - value.marginBottom); ctx.restore(); // </editor-folder> // </editor-folder> ctx.restore(); }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.paintHorizontalBar = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height) { // ... }; GaugeKPISparkline.prototype.paintVerticalBar = function (ctx, value, x, y, width, height) { // ... }; </script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { // スプレッドシートを初期化します。 var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 1 }); // KPIゲージ var sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0); sheet1.name('KPI Gauge'); spread.addSparklineEx(new GaugeKPISparkline()); sheet1.suspendPaint(); sheet1.setRowHeight(0, 300); sheet1.setColumnWidth(0, 300); sheet1.setColumnWidth(1, 300); sheet1.setColumnWidth(2, 300); sheet1.setRowCount(4); sheet1.setRowHeight(3, 300); sheet1.setColumnCount(3); sheet1.getCell(1, 0).text("radiusRatio").hAlign(2); sheet1.getCell(1, 1).text("targetValue").hAlign(2); sheet1.getCell(1, 2).text("label marginBottom").hAlign(2); var radiusRatioSliderStyle = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); radiusRatioSliderStyle.cellButtons = [{ imageType: GC.Spread.Sheets.ButtonImageType.dropdown, command: "openSlider", useButtonStyle: true, }]; 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