GrapeCity SPREAD for WPF 2.0J
AcceptsReturn プロパティ (GeneralCellType)

ユーザーが ENTER キーを押したときに編集要素がどのように反応するかを示す値を取得または設定します。
Public Property AcceptsReturn As Boolean
public bool AcceptsReturn {get; set;}


ENTER キーを押したときに現在のカーソル位置に新しい行を挿入する場合は true。それ以外の場合、ENTER キーは無視されます。既定値は false です。
public void CreateGeneralCell1()
    GeneralCellType generalCellType1 = new GeneralCellType();

    //ALT+ENTER will insert a new line in editing element.
    generalCellType1.AcceptsReturn = true;
    //The input text will be formatted automatically. For example, if you input '1', that will be formatted to number 1 automatically.
    generalCellType1.FormatString = "General";
    //The input text will NOT be formatted automatically, that always treated as text.
    //generalCellType.FormatString = null;

    this._gcSpreadGrid1[0, 0].CellType = generalCellType1;
Public Sub CreateGeneralCell1()
    Dim generalCellType1 As New GeneralCellType()

    'ALT+ENTER will insert a new line in editing element.
    generalCellType1.AcceptsReturn = True
    'The input text will be formatted automatically. For example, if you input '1', that will be formatted to number 1 automatically.
    generalCellType1.FormatString = "General"
    'The input text will NOT be formatted automatically, that always treated as text.
    'generalCellType.FormatString = null;

    Me._gcSpreadGrid1(0, 0).CellType = generalCellType1
End Sub

GeneralCellType クラス
GeneralCellType メンバ



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